I have 3 sources of DR right now.
1/-: Ring
3/-: Adamantium Plate +1
3/Pierce, Bludgeon: Axe Bane Wrist
Does this mean I have 4/- base and 7 against Slashing? Or just my highest one, 3/-?
Thanks for the help!
I have 3 sources of DR right now.
1/-: Ring
3/-: Adamantium Plate +1
3/Pierce, Bludgeon: Axe Bane Wrist
Does this mean I have 4/- base and 7 against Slashing? Or just my highest one, 3/-?
Thanks for the help!
Only your highest damage reduction applies, and they do not stack.
BUT: there is one exception, the dr given by blocking with a shield stacks with your highest present source of dr
Keep in mind, however, that your highest applicable dr will function, for example:
You have two spells cast on you:
stoneskin; dr 10/adamantine
angelskin: dr 5/evil
normally the angelskin does nothing; attacks will go against the stoneskin dr instead
however, an adamantine weapon will still do 5 less damage, since it's not breaking evil dr
a weapon that was both evil aligned and adamantine would break both drs and do full damage
many high-level raid bosses have multiple drs in this fashion, most frequently requiring some combination of holy alignment and a metalline effect (cold iron or silver).
Just the 3/-
Here's how DR works, the highest applicable reduction applies, and all the values lower then that are ignored.
in your example, the highest is the 3/- or 3/Pierce, Bludgeon, however since a piercing or bludgeoning weapon would still be negated by the 3/- only the 3/- matters here.
Now, say you had 3/Adamantine instead, then a your DR would only be bypassed by a piercing or bludgeoning adamantine weapon, in which case, the lower value, 1/- would apply.
Now, just for further explanation, lets say you had 10/Slashing, Bludgeoning (greater spearguard), 10/Adamantine (Stoneskin), 10/Evil (Drow FvS20), here's what would happen, you would take 10 less damage from any weapon that was not slashing or bludgeoning, AND adamantine AND evil, meaning the weapon in question would have be be slashing, adamantine, and evil, or bludgeoning, adamantine, and evil to bypass your DR.
Make sense?
Thanks for the help guys, you guys rock!
Seems like I'm late to the party but: http://ddowiki.com/page/DR
As it's been said, DR does not stack but rather overlaps. In your case, it is DR 3/- from your adamantine plate.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
ok the light and darkness shield has the following properties on it:
DR3/- :Reduces all physical damage by 3
Adamantine: blah blah meteors. Light armor and shields made from adamantine grant the user damage reduction of 1/-
and in my char sheet it lists both 3/- and 1/- under damage reduction. there is no mention whatsoever of 1/adamantine in either the shield description or in the character sheet.
so if what you say is true the adamantine property is useless. this doesnt make much sense to me...