Looking to put together a Dedicated Team for the new up coming Stormreach: EU in September. Start from lvl 1 and work our way up the new content!
The team will meet on Thursday evenings 8 pm EST. Starting Sept. 3rd , 2009 on Sarlona we will be part of Thalion’s “Dedicated Teams Guild” wanting it to be a light – med. RP group. Slow and steady….not to say if we all know the quest very well… and all agree, we can speed it up a lil, but NO ZERGING! Keep it a Team effort! Going to start this team with the following rules.
1) no zerging
2) No Buying on the AH…but you are able to sell on it, after you have asked group if anyone needs
3) Vendors are ok to buy from and sell too also
4) Light to med Role Play…((don’t let this scare u off, it’s fun, try it!)) in –Character will be normal party type…out of character will be ((here)) again don’t let this scare ya…easier then ya think. Keep Voice chat to a min. only use if have too.... ie…raids, big trap ahead..etc, etc….
5) The DDO store! ((Still not sure on this one, but would like to use very minimally if at all..subject to change as party see fit.))
6) This is a Dedicated/Static Team…. Don’t use the toon outside the party nights. If you miss a night or two, and need to catch up with XP ,or quest, that is fine…but keep it to a minimum.
7) Have fun! Don’t let small things stress you out! It’s a game lets enjoy it!
That should be it for rules…I don’t wanna lay a lot down…we can change as we need.
post here if interested or send me a PM
in game: