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  1. #201
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Llewndyn View Post
    ...and I'm still not sure I have the correct definition, but here goes, I got this from context clues:

    Proc - short for "proctology", used when talking about a stat or damage number you pulled out of your a**.

    usage - "My DBF always procs for like 890 even if they have FR"

    Programmed Random UCcurrence. An effect with a random chance of occurring such as a guard "procs".

  2. #202
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    MOTD - Message of the Day - Used mostly in guild chat (did you ready the MOTD?)

    Mutt - 3 Multiclassed Charicater Usually in Reference to a Melee

    Window Farm - A Term used to indicate a plan of running a quest mulitple times to either break a chain or to aviod running back to the quest giver.

    AM - Archmage - A Wizards Prestige Class Enhancement

    PM - Pale MAster - A Wizards Prestige Class Enhancement

    WC - Warchanter - A bard prestige class enhancement

    Gimp - A term used to indicate you messed up a key area of your charicter "I gimped this toon a long time ago"

    This one might only be used by a small group of my friends but i love it.

    Tim and Eric - Meaning "awsome show" or "great job", used after a single spell crits and kill 10+ or more mobs instantly, used less often since the change to the way crit spells work.
    Last edited by karnokvolrath; 06-03-2011 at 05:12 AM.
    Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
    Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
    Gasolinex - Pale Master
    Gasomatic Systematic - Bard

  3. #203
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    will update soon ... gimp is already in there though.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  4. #204
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    SLA please when relating to Sorcerer.


  5. #205
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifLif View Post
    SLA please when relating to Sorcerer.

    Sorcerer's have availability requirements?

  6. #206


    Quote Originally Posted by LifLif View Post
    SLA please when relating to Sorcerer.

    Spell Like Ability - Used when referencing one of the spells that Sorcs get for (pretty much) free due to their savant line.
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  7. #207
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    edited list (not responcible for un-alphabetized edits in the compendium or wiki)
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  8. #208
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    WAI - I've seen the abbreviation used a lot more than the spelled out "Working As Intended" (which you've already added)

    Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro

    This needs correcting - should say "Also see Haggro".

  9. #209
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    BB: Bravery Bonus
    DA: Dungeon Alert (green, yellow, orange, red)
    DR: Damage Resistance (separate to Damage Reduction)
    e: Epic (usually put before another quest abbreviation; eg eADQ2)
    LotD: item or quest
    MT: most common use of this I've seen is for miss tell and is the default assumption for me at least.
    Necropolis goes all the way to 4 now! lol.
    Vet: experienced player

    I'm sure there's more ... good thread.

  10. #210
    Community Member ~Quilny's Avatar
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    Default Looking For Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    H - N

    Haggro - Husband has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    Healbot - A character dedicated to healing and who does little else in a quest
    HIPS - Hiding In Plain Sight (quest)
    Hound - Hound of Xoriat (raid)
    House P, D, J or K - House Phiarlan, Deneith, Jorasco, and Kundarak are areas accessed through the Marketplace, or patrons of favor.
    HoX - Hound of Xoriat (raid)
    HP - Hit Points

    IC - In Character, an RP Term, or "I See," or Improved Critical (feat)
    IDK - I Don't Know
    IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
    IK - InstaKill, or more specifically, spells where the effect is instant death such as Finger of Death
    IMO - In My Opinion
    INC - Incoming, term used to warn users that mobs are coming
    Incapped - Incapacitated is the term to describe a character who has fallen but is not yet dead
    Intimitank - Usually a high AC and/or DR character who uses intimidate to draw agro
    IP - In Progress, usually found in the LFM when a quest is underway but more members are desired.
    IRL - In Real Life
    ISO - In Seek Of or In Search Of
    ITWF - Improved Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    IQ - Inspired Quarters

    JK - Just Kidding
    JMO - Just My Opinion

    KEK - Another version of LOL, KEK was commonly used in World of Warcraft
    Kite or Kiting - Strategy of pulling an enemy, or group of enemies, to a strategic point where the party will then engage in combat.
    KK - OK

    Lag - Delayed or slowed gaming experience due to, but not limited to; internet connection or pc problems. usually results in a frozen frame in-game.
    LD - Link Dead, an alternate description of a disconnection.
    Leet - Elite
    LFG - Looking For Group
    LFH - Looking For Ham (outdated terminology) consuming ham was the way to regenerate hp & sp before the induction of the rest shrine.
    LFM - Looking For Members, this is the add you will see in the social panel when people are looking for players to fill a group.
    LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off. Other variations exist, such as Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, or ROTFLMAO
    Log or Logging - Process of exiting the DDO software completely, or to change characters
    LOH - Lay On Hands (enhancement), the ability of paladins to heal with divine powers
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud or Laughing On-Line
    LotD - Litany of the Dead (quest)
    Lowbie - Reference of low level characters between lvl 1-4
    LS - Long Sword
    LSP - Low Spell Points
    LVL - Level, typically referring to a characters experience level
    L8ter - Later

    M/A - Mature Audience
    Main - Main character on a persons account
    Mana - Spell Points
    Meat Shield - A front line character in a group, typically a tank
    ML - Minimum Level requirements, referring to items
    MM - Magic Missile (spell)
    MMO or MMOG - Massive Multi-player On-line Game
    MOB or MOBS - Mobile Object(s), attackable non playing objects. Typically monsters, but anything that moves and attacks or anything you can attack
    MoBB - Maladroit of Bone Breaking, special weapon attributes that saps dexterity from its victims
    Mod - Module or Modification (ie DDO Mod 9)
    MOTD - Message of the Day, used mainly in guild chat
    MT - Mental Toughness (feat), could also mean MisTell or Main Tank
    MU - Magic User, a character class that casts spells.
    Mule - Character utilized to carry equipment and items for all the toons on an account
    Mutt - 3 multiclassed charecters, usually in reference to a melee class

    Necro/Necro 1,2,3 - Necropolis/Necropolis crypt series (quest)
    Nerf - To make less effective
    Newb or Newbie - New player not used to the game mechanics yet
    NHE or N/H/E - Normal/Hard/Elite (quest difficulty levels) sometimes used individually
    NM or Nvm - Nevermind
    NooB, N00b or Nub - (Often Misused) Derogatory term used to describe someone who lacks concern for the group
    NP - No Problem
    NPC - Non Player Character
    NT or NTY - No Thanks or No Thank You

    LFM - Looking For Members, this is the add you will see in the social panel when people are looking for players to fill a group.

    I agree LFM means looking for members some would argue this aparently in a post i recently made

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    Great Work!!!
    Just a quick correction, i think here you meant, Also see Haggro.
    But great work!
    Quote Originally Posted by Melcena View Post
    Who is Shade?
    Lives? Nonsense. We are gamers - None of us have lives.
    404error is a practitioner of giving someone exactly what they ask for whether it's what they want or not

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fnordian View Post
    WAI - I've seen the abbreviation used a lot more than the spelled out "Working As Intended" (which you've already added)

    Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro

    This needs correcting - should say "Also see Haggro".

    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    BB: Bravery Bonus
    DA: Dungeon Alert (green, yellow, orange, red)
    DR: Damage Resistance (separate to Damage Reduction)
    e: Epic (usually put before another quest abbreviation; eg eADQ2)
    LotD: item or quest
    MT: most common use of this I've seen is for miss tell and is the default assumption for me at least.
    Necropolis goes all the way to 4 now! lol.
    Vet: experienced player

    I'm sure there's more ... good thread.
    nice ... will add soon

    Quote Originally Posted by bkasavan View Post
    Great Work!!!
    Just a quick correction, i think here you meant, Also see Haggro.
    But great work!
    thank you ill update in a few days.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
    Get your PD on!

  13. #213


    Gimp has a lesser used/known version also. Not certain if you want to add it or not.

    Get Into Multiclassing Project : there appear to be gimp groups on various servers.

  14. #214
    Community Member Roderickus's Avatar
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    Some of these Acronyms may be misleading. For instance DA is more commonly used for Devil Assault quest than for dwarven axes or dungeon alerts... if there is an alert people just type alert in my case. WC is more used for > Wrong Chat than for warchanter.

    OP - Original Poster can also be interpreted as Opening Post.
    Firewall - can use shortcut FW.
    SP - Spell penetration, is more commonly interpreted for Spell Points.

    And some of these are just... exaggerated, way too many IMOs - In my opinions such as: GIMPO - God In My Personal Opinion, typically used to describe a good character build (?!), JMO - Just My Opinion (?!)... one simple IMO is enough -.-

    But to add something that's widely used:
    BtC - Bound to Character
    BtA - Bound to Account
    GW - Got window. Used commonly when window farming the quest.
    LDS - Large Devil Scale
    FRDS - Flawless Red Dragon Scales

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Gimp has a lesser used/known version also. Not certain if you want to add it or not.

    Get Into Multiclassing Project : there appear to be gimp groups on various servers.
    yeah ... mac runs gimp groups too. will add ... just didnt want it to appear as though i was advertising.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roderickus View Post
    Some of these Acronyms may be misleading. For instance DA is more commonly used for Devil Assault quest than for dwarven axes or dungeon alerts... if there is an alert people just type alert in my case. WC is more used for > Wrong Chat than for warchanter.
    ill add devils assault, never heard wrong chat though. more commonly mt, or mistell. im sure a whole slew of variations exist, and depending on experiance and toon level would have an impact on which term is used on which occasion. overall i think it helps more than it hurts.

    OP - Original Poster can also be interpreted as Opening Post.
    Firewall - can use shortcut FW.
    SP - Spell penetration, is more commonly interpreted for Spell Points.
    will add

    And some of these are just... exaggerated, way too many IMOs - In my opinions such as: GIMPO - God In My Personal Opinion, typically used to describe a good character build (?!), JMO - Just My Opinion (?!)... one simple IMO is enough -.-
    your opinion, of course. lol

    But to add something that's widely used:
    BtC - Bound to Character
    BtA - Bound to Account
    GW - Got window. Used commonly when window farming the quest.
    LDS - Large Devil Scale
    FRDS - Flawless Red Dragon Scales
    will add ...
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
    Get your PD on!

  16. #216
    Micki's Delirium
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    You're missing LR, GR and TR
    LR - Lesser Reincarnation
    GR - Greater Reincarnation (this one I'm guessing since I haven't seen it used yet)
    TR - True Reincarnation

    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    TR - Tangle Root (quest), or True Resurrection (start a character over at level 1 with a few perks).
    Actually, True Resurrection is a level 9 Cleric spell ( "Resurrects the target, restoring full Hit Points, and preserves current spell points." What you mean here is True reincarnation
    Last edited by Micki; 01-17-2012 at 07:02 AM.

  17. #217
    Community Member Roderickus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    your opinion, of course. lol
    I c what u did there XD

  18. #218
    Community Member memloch's Avatar
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    Default What exactly does PROC mean


    I have recently heard many people talking about the percentage that their weapons PROC. What does this stand for or mean.


  19. #219
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by memloch View Post

    I have recently heard many people talking about the percentage that their weapons PROC. What does this stand for or mean.

    A proc is when an item or weapon has an effect that does not "toggle", or activate, on every hit delivered (in case of weapons) or received (in case of items)

    These are more powerful effects than normal, and thus this power is balanced by the uncertainty of the activations.

    Proc Rate is used to say (about) how often a certain effect will occurr. For instance, the Cannith Combat Infusion has a proc rate of 1.5% (tested, with later developer confirmation)

    That last parenthetical note, which is usually hyperlinked on the forums for source (I would if I could find it, don't have the time to find it now), is an indication of a factual piece of information that shows where the math is done to prove the number given. People can refer to that and provide their imput, but the testing is done.

    Insofar as the OP:

    E(Quest name or abbreviation) = Epic, not Elite (though often they are used for both, simply due to level diparities) unless Epic does not apply.

    I remember twice running ELoD and having level 16's ask to join. I tell them it's Epic, not Elite, they argue with me about it since I have ELoD in the LFM with no quest selected, and 20-20 range. Some people don't get it...

    The main reason for concern would be in MA and LoB. ELoB should be 20-20 regardless of Elite or Epic, and this is where the general concensus of E(Quest name/abbreviation) comes in as being Epic. In an unclear situation, Epic prevails over Elite.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
    BYOH. Know it, abide by it, or don't mess with those who do.

  20. #220
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Habreno View Post
    E(Quest name or abbreviation) = Epic, not Elite (though often they are used for both, simply due to level diparities) unless Epic does not apply.
    So, if I follow this thought, dding an C or an N or an H as a prefix determins the difficulties of quests ?

    It would be for example cIrestone, or nIrestone or hIrestone, for example [Irestone inlet].

    That apart from the fact hat no-one does it with these difficulties nowadays, but that's a different discussion ...

    We would need a replacement for the e = elite difficulty, then.

    We could use for example EIrestone or eIrestone, it should be defined, then.

    We could also use things like BBIrestone, for those who want to have (and kep) a Bravery Bonus in it.

    BSIrestone would then be similar : "Bravery Streak Irestone Inlet".

    Ironically, all of these worde have subtle sub-meanings of their own ...
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

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