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  1. #1
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    Default DDO Acronyms and Slang Terminology

    Unfortunately, Izlude's thread containing DDO's internet lingo hasn't been updated in years. The fact that its seen activity as late as June '09, goes to show how important the work is that was first started by Izlude in June '06. I've recreated Izlude's original thread, and took it a couple of steps further. Now, not only will this thread be properly maintained, but it will also include links to the DDO Compendium.

    This information can be found in four different locations now ...
    If your new to the DDO or MMOG experience, then feel free to post terms and acronyms that you need help with. Also, if you need a better description of a term that is listed, don't be afraid to ask. Thats what the thread is for.

    Likewise, if your an experienced user and have something to contribute, your contributions are more than welcome.

    Why? Because deep down you know ... You love newbies!
    Last edited by Shal; 11-05-2009 at 07:45 AM.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  2. #2
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    A - G

    AA - Arcane Archer, an undead archer skeleton
    AC - Armor Class
    ADQ - Against the Demon Queen (quest)
    AFAIK - As Far As I Know
    AFK - Away From Keyboard
    Aggro - Aggression, when you have "aggro," then the enemy's attacks are focused on you.
    AH - Auction House
    AHAP - As Hard As Possible. Usually used in LFMs to say the quest will be done in the hardest difficulty that can by opened by the party.
    Alt - Alternative, usually an alternative character on the same account
    AOE - Area of Effect
    Arcane - An Arcane would refer to arcane casters, such as the wizard or sorcerer classes, and would exclude other casters (ie cleric)
    AS or ASB - Airship or Airship Buffs
    ATM - At the Moment
    Avatar - Term used to describe a users character, or the small pic beside your username on a forum post
    Axer Package - A phase referring to a collection of buffs in DDO. Generally refers to every possible useful buff for the given quest.

    BAB - Base Attack Bonus
    Battle Cleric - A cleric who likes to and is built to fight in melee combat
    BB - Blade Barrier (spell)
    BBL - Be Back Later
    BIO - Bathroom Break
    Bind or Binding - The process of setting a resurrection point in a tavern, usually by talking to a priest of the silver flame that presides there.
    Bind, Bound, or Binding - Binding an item to a character will make that item immune to permanent damage, but the item cannot be auctioned or traded
    Body Pull - Technique of getting close enough to a MOB to get only its attention and not its friends, and pull them back to fight alone
    Box of Rocks - A chest full of gemstones
    BRB - Be Right Back
    BRT - Be Right There
    BTW - By The Way
    BS - Bastard Sword (item), Bulls Strength (buff) at lower levels, or BarkSkin (buff) at higher levels
    Buff, Buffs, or Buffed - Buffs are generally cast on characters at the beginning of quests and after shrining to give resistance to damaging effects
    BYOH - Bring Your Own Heals, generally seen on the lfm to let people know that there isnt a healer in the group

    Capped - The point in which a character has reached the maximum amount of experience they can get
    Caster - Typically a wizard or sorcerer, but technically any class that casts spells. (ie cleric)
    CC - Crowd Control
    CE - Combat Expertise (feat)
    Char - Character
    Chew Toy - A Tank who's main job is to acquire and maintain agro from a specific mob/mobs
    Chump Block - A character that tanks, even though they are likely to die in the process
    Clickie - An item that, upon double clicking the item icon, generates a spell or other effect. (ie haste clickie, grease clickie)
    CO6 - Cult of Six (quest series)
    Coyle - An infamous NPC you must protect in the Threnal East quests who dies quite easily
    CR - Challenge Rating
    Crawl - A dungeon crawl to show newbies the ropes, and/or to complete all side quests and objectives
    Crit - Critical Hit, high attack rolls that occur naturally on the dice, give bonuses to damage
    CSW - Cure Serious Wounds, also CMW and CLW for light and moderate
    CYA - See You

    DA - Dwarven Axe (item) or Dungeon Alert
    DBF - Delayed Blast Firewall (spell)
    DC - Disconnect or lose internet connection, also stands for Difficulty Check for spells and saves.
    DD - Dimension Door (spell)
    Death Taxi - A technique of killing your toon, to quickly return to your bind point
    Dev - Developers, as in "game developers"
    Diplo - Diplomacy (skill), used to redirect aggro onto others
    Disco Inferno - Firewall & Otto's Sphere of Dancing used together
    Divine - Divine spell casters excel at curing ailments and healing allies (ie Cleric, Favored Soul, Paladin)
    DM - Dungeon Master, the game referee
    DoT - Damage over time
    DPS - Damage Per Second
    DR - Damage Reduction, formatted DR N/TYPE, where N = Absorbed Damage, and type = what ignores the DR
    Dragonmark - (feat) A dragonmark looks like an elaboate tatoo and grants magical powers to the bearer.
    DS - Deepwood Sniper (path), the path a ranger follows to focus skills on ranged attacks, and scouting
    Dump Stat - A starting attribute you put no build points into
    DV - Divine Vitality (enhancement), enhancement available to clerics to give spell points back to casters
    DQ1 - Against the Demon Queen chapter 1(quest)
    DQ2 - Against the Demon Queen chapter 2(raid)

    End Game -Term used to refer to the activities or quests done by characters at the maximum level.
    EULA - End User Licence Agreement
    EZ - Easy

    Farming - Running a quest, or explorer area, multiple times for loot.
    Favor - Points given for completing quests. Special benefits are made available to users who obtain enough favor with certain patrons
    FF - Feather Fall
    Finger - Finger of Death (spell)
    Firewall - Wall of Fire (spell) the terminology used often misleads people to search for the spell in the F's, as opposed to the W's
    Flagged - having completed the required quests, or gathered the required items, to move onto the next chapter of a story line. usually a raid.
    Fleshy - is the term used for denoting a "flesh and bone" race (ie human)
    FO - Finish Out, recall out of a finished quest
    FOD - Finger of Death (spell)
    FOM - Freedom of Movement (buff)
    Fred - Fred The Mind Flayer can respec feats, and is found under the garden in House J
    FTW - For The Win
    FVS - Favored Soul (class)
    F2P - Free to Play, new to mod 9. users can now play DDO without paying, but suffer some drawbacks (ie limited chars)

    GA - Greataxe
    GG - Good Game
    GH - Greater Heroism (buff), can also reference the Gianthold Area or Good Hope (spell)
    Ghost Run - When players intentionally die to have someone carries their soul stone through the quest
    Gimped - Typically a character or item with sub standard abilities or a character that lacks sufficient equipment, armor and/or weapons
    GIMPO - God In My Personal Opinion, typically used to describe a good character build.
    GISH - A magician, or character, that is skilled in both physical combat and the use of magic.
    GJ - Good Job
    GLOER - Good Luck On End Reward
    GM - Game Master, employees of Turbine that help with unusual problems, like characters getting stuck, or monsters not spawning, ect.
    GMW - Gray Moon Waining (quest series), quest series following the Cult of Six series
    Gold Farmers or Spammer - People who try to sell gold or platinum in game
    Grind or Grinding - Repetitious questing for a specific goal, also called farming
    GS - Green Steel (item), could also mean Great Sword (item)
    GTG - "Got to Go" or "Good to Go", sometimes creating confusion, especially at the beginning of quests
    GTWF - Greater Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    Guild Group - A group comprised mostly or entirely of members of a guild. Usually a very different experiance than that found in a PUG.
    G2G - Got To Go, players often use G2G as opposed to GTG which has two different meanings.
    Last edited by Shal; 04-25-2011 at 09:05 PM.
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  3. #3
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    H - N

    Haggro - Husband has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    Healbot - A character dedicated to healing and who does little else in a quest
    HIPS - Hiding In Plain Sight (quest)
    Hound - Hound of Xoriat (raid)
    House P, D, J or K - House Phiarlan, Deneith, Jorasco, and Kundarak are areas accessed through the Marketplace, or patrons of favor.
    HoX - Hound of Xoriat (raid)
    HP - Hit Points

    IC - In Character, an RP Term, or "I See," or Improved Critical (feat)
    IDK - I Don't Know
    IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
    IK - InstaKill, or more specifically, spells where the effect is instant death such as Finger of Death
    IMO - In My Opinion
    INC - Incoming, term used to warn users that mobs are coming
    Incapped - Incapacitated is the term to describe a character who has fallen but is not yet dead
    Intimitank - Usually a high AC and/or DR character who uses intimidate to draw agro
    IP - In Progress, usually found in the LFM when a quest is underway but more members are desired.
    IRL - In Real Life
    ISO - In Seek Of or In Search Of
    ITWF - Improved Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    IQ - Inspired Quarters

    JK - Just Kidding
    JMO - Just My Opinion

    KEK - Another version of LOL, KEK was commonly used in World of Warcraft
    Kite or Kiting - Strategy of pulling an enemy, or group of enemies, to a strategic point where the party will then engage in combat.
    KK - OK

    Lag - Delayed or slowed gaming experience due to, but not limited to; internet connection or pc problems. usually results in a frozen frame in-game.
    LD - Link Dead, an alternate description of a disconnection.
    Leet - Elite
    LFG - Looking For Group
    LFH - Looking For Ham (outdated terminology) consuming ham was the way to regenerate hp & sp before the induction of the rest shrine.
    LFM - Looking For Members, this is the add you will see in the social panel when people are looking for players to fill a group.
    LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off. Other variations exist, such as Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, or ROTFLMAO
    Log or Logging - Process of exiting the DDO software completely, or to change characters
    LOH - Lay On Hands (enhancement), the ability of paladins to heal with divine powers
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud or Laughing On-Line
    LotD - Litany of the Dead (quest)
    Lowbie - Reference of low level characters between lvl 1-4
    LS - Long Sword
    LSP - Low Spell Points
    LVL - Level, typically referring to a characters experience level
    L8ter - Later

    M/A - Mature Audience
    Main - Main character on a persons account
    Mana - Spell Points
    Meat Shield - A front line character in a group, typically a tank
    ML - Minimum Level requirements, referring to items
    MM - Magic Missile (spell)
    MMO or MMOG - Massive Multi-player On-line Game
    MOB or MOBS - Mobile Object(s), attackable non playing objects. Typically monsters, but anything that moves and attacks or anything you can attack
    MoBB - Maladroit of Bone Breaking, special weapon attributes that saps dexterity from its victims
    Mod - Module or Modification (ie DDO Mod 9)
    MOTD - Message of the Day, used mainly in guild chat
    MT - Mental Toughness (feat), could also mean MisTell or Main Tank
    MU - Magic User, a character class that casts spells.
    Mule - Character utilized to carry equipment and items for all the toons on an account
    Mutt - 3 multiclassed charecters, usually in reference to a melee class

    Necro/Necro 1,2,3 - Necropolis/Necropolis crypt series (quest)
    Nerf - To make less effective
    Newb or Newbie - New player not used to the game mechanics yet
    NHE or N/H/E - Normal/Hard/Elite (quest difficulty levels) sometimes used individually
    NM or Nvm - Nevermind
    NooB, N00b or Nub - (Often Misused) Derogatory term used to describe someone who lacks concern for the group
    NP - No Problem
    NPC - Non Player Character
    NT or NTY - No Thanks or No Thank You
    Last edited by Shal; 11-13-2011 at 12:46 PM.
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  4. #4
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    O - U

    OIC - Oh, I See
    OMG - Oh My God
    OMW - On My Way
    OOC - Out Of Character, an RP term
    OOM - Out Of Mana
    OP - Original Poster
    ORLY - Oh Really?
    OSP - Out Of Spell Points
    Owned - This term denotes complete domination, usually in a (virtual) physical sense.

    PA - Power Attack (feat)
    PC - Player Character
    PD - Perma-Death, a play style that retires a toon after they die for the first time. Strict rules regarding PD groups vary between groups and/or guilds.
    PG - Pure Good
    Piking - A term used to describe someone that is leaching XP from the activity, without contributing anything to the party.
    PK - Phantasmal Killer (spell)
    PnP - Pen and Paper, the original D&D format
    POP - Prison of the Planes (quest)
    POP? - Pearl Of Power (item), an item used to increase a casters mana. The question mark would be replaced with a number designating its power
    Pots - Potions (item)
    Power 5 - +5 equivalent weapon effects, most of which can instantly kill monsters on a good roll. (Vorpal, Paralyzing, Banashing, Smiting, Disrupting)
    Power Leveling - Getting more powerful characters to run quests while you tag along. There are limits in DDO to how far you can take this tactic
    PPL - People
    PrC - Prestige Class, a path a class will take to gain special benifits (ie Rangers' Tempest, Bards' Warchanter)
    PrE - Prestige Enhancement, like PrC's but slightly altered and more limited-scope as Enhancements
    PST - Please Send Tell, the player is requesting that you talk to him/her using the in game 'Tell' feature.
    PUG - Pick Up Group, a group of characters usually with little knowledge of each other, unlike a group of guildies or personal friends
    PvE - Player Vs Environment, running missions, exploring encounter areas and the like.
    PvP - Person vs Person, some taverns have PvP areas where users can fight other users with their toons
    PWN - pronounced 'own,' this means to greatly overpower or defeat an adversary.
    P2P - Pay to Play, a subscriber to the game, or in reference to areas that have to be purchased for f2p users.

    QFE - Quoted for Emphasis
    QFT - Quoted For Truth
    QQ - Emoticon for crying eyes. Often used as a noun or verb to mean whine/whining
    Quest Chain - A series of quests in a storyline
    QwijyMart - Khyber's exclusive vendor/entrepreneur. Gtar, or other toons in his guild, will sell items listed in their biography for the listed price.

    Raid - Raid quests are typically epic in scope and intended for 12 players to enter at one time.
    Ransack - When you have opened a chest so many times in one day, its level of treasure starts to degrade and eventually offers no treasure
    Reroll - To delete a character and create a new one, often used jokingly to suggest someone's character is gimped.
    Respec - to change out feats or enhancements. You can respec feats with Fred The Mind Flayer, or respec enhancements at a trainer.
    Rez - Resurrection
    RL - Real Life
    ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing, other variations exist
    RP - Role-Play (RPing, RPer, etc)
    RR - Race Required, refering to items, also ReRoll or Reavers Refuge (Quest)
    Run - Running through a quest in a fairly methodical way for a specific purpose. (ie Loot Run, or Delera's Run)

    SC - StormCleave (quest)
    SF - Solid Fog (spell)
    Shield Wall - Characters line up in close proximity between obstacles to form a line monsters can't cross
    Shinies - The sparkling collectible nodes in dungeons or the collectable items you get from them
    SLA - Spell Like Ability, used when referencing one of the spells that Sorcs get due to their savant line.
    SoS - Stealer of Souls (quest), or Sword of Shadows (item)
    Soul Train - Using the command "/death" to take you to your bind point. Commonly used for those out of the way areas like Meridia or the Refuge.
    SP - Spell Penetration (feat)
    Spamming - Doing the same attack/spell over and over again, or sending unsolicited in game mail
    Splash - When you take just a few levels of another class to complement your primary class
    Squishy - Typically refers to a character with low AC and HP's, or a character that cannot defend themselves effectively in normal situations
    SR - Spell Resistance (buff)
    SS - Short Sword (item), or StoneSkin (buff)
    Stealth Humping - Pushing jump while in stealth mode
    Steam Tunnels - The steam tunnels is an explorer area before STK
    STK - Shan-to-Kor (quest)
    Stone(s) - Soul Stones that are left over after you die where your ghost is bound. They can be picked up and carried
    Sub or SubT - Subterrain (area) The explore area before titan and hound raids. also used as a place to launch Greater Teleports from

    Tank - A high DPS and/or AC toon, thats purpose is to pull aggro and absorb/deal damage. Multiple tanks may be present, even within small groups.
    Tap or Tap Runs - Tapestry, or Tapestry farming in the orchard area outside of Necropolis
    TBF - Trial By Fire (quest)
    THAC0 - To Hit Armour Class Zero
    THF - Two Handed Fighting (feat)
    Tome - An item consumed by a character to increase base attribute scores
    Toon - Another term for a users character
    TP - Turbine Points, the currency used in the DDO Store added with the release of Module 9.
    TPK - Total Party Kill
    TR - Tangle Root (quest), or True Resurrection (start a character over at level 1 with a few perks).
    Trap Monkey - A rogue specializing in disabling traps and opening locks, or any other class with those skills
    Troll - A socially ******** individual that intentially causes grief and distress upon others, while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
    TS - Tempest Spine (quest), could also be True Seeing (buff)
    TT - Table Top, also refered to as PnP, the original D&D format.
    TTS - Trap The Soul (Spell/Weapon Effect)
    TTYL - Talk To You Later
    TWF - Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    Twink - The process of giving items obtained by one of your characters, to another character
    Twitchy - refers to a type of game that relies on quick reflexes to play, like a first-person-shooter, or a reference to a THF tactic described here
    TY or TYVM - Thank You Very Much

    Uber - Decked Out, typically used to describe a toon equipped with the best of weapons and items, and stats that are buffed with tomes
    UMD - Use Magic Device (skill)
    UWA or UA - Under-Water Action
    Last edited by Shal; 11-13-2011 at 01:07 PM.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  5. #5
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    V - Z & #

    VoD - Vision of Destruction (quest)
    Voice(s) - Voice of the Master (item), usually used at the end of a quest to remind users to "make sure your voices are on"
    VoN - Vault of Night (quest)
    Vorp - Vorpal, a potent weapon with the ability to sever the heads of those it strikes

    Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    WC - Warchanter, a bard prestige class enhancement
    WF - WarForged (Race) or Weapon Finesse (feat)
    Wilderness Adventure Area - An open area with many mobs and usually with extra quests for exploration and rare encounters.
    Window Farm - Used to indicate a plan of farming a to either break a chain or to aviod running back to the quest giver.
    Wipe - When all members of a party are killed during a quest
    WoE- Weakening of Enfeebling, special weapon attributes that saps strength from their victims.
    Woot or W00t - Commonly used to express excitment (Whoohoo!!!), history suggests that it may have stood for "We Owned The Other Team"
    WOP - Wounding of Puncturing. A popular weapon effect combination
    Working As Intended - Typically used to express that even if it's broke, it's not getting fixed
    WTB - Want to buy
    WTS - Want to sell
    WTT - Want to trade
    WW - WaterWorks (quest)

    XC - Xorian Cipher (quest)

    YW - Your Welcome

    Zerg or Zerging - Running a quest as fast as possible without regards to side quests or other non-essential objectives.
    Z??? - Adding Z to the beginning of a term can sometimes put emphasizes the term. (ie ZOMG = OMG!!!)

    1337 - Leet, or Elite
    3BC - Three Barrel Cove (quest)
    28 or 32 Point Build - Number of points used for stat allocation when building new characters
    Last edited by Shal; 11-13-2011 at 01:04 PM.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  6. #6
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    with mod nine comming out soon, the work here is far from being compleated ... your input is more than welcome
    Last edited by Shal; 07-27-2009 at 12:46 PM.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  7. #7
    Community Member Cap_Man's Avatar
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    Nice work!

    Here's another one to add:

    MOB or MOBS - Stands for 'Mobile Object(s)' which means Attackable non playing objects. Usually monsters. So basically anything that moves and can attack you or you can attack is a Mob.

    This actually gets used more than you would think. When I first started playing it took me forever to figure out what people meant by 'Mob' ... I was thinking: There's only one troll standing there, how can one troll be a mob ???? I was so confused.

  8. #8
    Community Member Caine52184's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap_Man View Post
    Nice work!

    When I first started playing it took me forever to figure out what people meant by 'Mob' ... I was thinking: There's only one troll standing there, how can one troll be a mob ???? I was so confused.
    HAHA...that confused me for the longest time! I thought the same thing..why are these people calling 1 monster a mob! I miss those days

    OH and +1 for you Shal...nice work
    Last edited by Caine52184; 07-27-2009 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Awesome! +1 rep!

    WF does usually stand for Warforged, since Warforged rule , but it occasionally stands for Weapon Finesse, too, even though that feat is seemingly getting less useful every Mod.

    EDIT: Also add "Mod"!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap_Man View Post
    Nice work!

    Here's another one to add:

    MOB or MOBS - Stands for 'Mobile Object(s)' which means Attackable non playing objects. Usually monsters. So basically anything that moves and can attack you or you can attack is a Mob.

    This actually gets used more than you would think. When I first started playing it took me forever to figure out what people meant by 'Mob' ... I was thinking: There's only one troll standing there, how can one troll be a mob ???? I was so confused.
    i shortened up the definition a bit, so as to try and keep it to one line. thanks ... i had no idea. im learning to ... im a half-newb. lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caine52184 View Post
    HAHA...that confused me for the longest time! I thought the same thing..why are these people calling 1 monster a mob! I miss those days

    OH and +1 for you Shal...nice work
    awww ... you shouldnt have but thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanimal View Post
    Awesome! +1 rep!

    WF does usually stand for Warforged, since Warforged rule , but it occasionally stands for Weapon Finesse, too, even though that feat is seemingly getting less useful every Mod.

    EDIT: Also add "Mod"!
    added weapon finess and mod ... thanks for participating, and feel free to keep em comming
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  11. #11
    Community Member VKhaun's Avatar
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    Put 'QFT' in there.
    It stands for quoted for truth, not quit F'n talking.
    We keep things positive around here.
    /canceled Last day, August 2nd. To bring me back: DA system removed or generally approved of by player base. Pale Master / Air Savant: RELEASED
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    This mod has been delayed so long at least two the Devs have found the time to reproduce within the span of the delay. That's impressive.

  12. #12
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    ML = minimum level for using various Magic items

    Body Pull = the technique of getting close enough to a mob to get only its attention and not its friends, and pull them back to fight alone.

    Sub = Subterrean zone in the Marketplace, often used as a place to lauch Greater Teleports from

    Hound = Hound of Xoriat quest(raid)

    Capped = have maximum experience, no longer gaining it from quests, so recall penalties do not matter.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  13. #13
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    what about "hi welcome"

  14. #14
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    bbl- be back later
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
    Ghallanda Rerolled

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    Put 'QFT' in there.
    It stands for quoted for truth, not quit F'n talking.
    We keep things positive around here.
    got it. was going to left it out intentionally because of what i thought it meant. lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    ML = minimum level for using various Magic items

    Body Pull = the technique of getting close enough to a mob to get only its attention and not its friends, and pull them back to fight alone.

    Sub = Subterrean zone in the Marketplace, often used as a place to lauch Greater Teleports from

    Hound = Hound of Xoriat quest(raid)

    Capped = have maximum experience, no longer gaining it from quests, so recall penalties do not matter.
    got em thanks. isnt the subterrean the area before the hound?

    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    what about "hi welcome"
    uhhh ... no. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by valorik View Post
    bbl- be back later
    got it

    spell check ...
    what about tome? is it tomb, or tome? the things you eat to increase your attributes.
    Last edited by Shal; 07-27-2009 at 05:10 PM.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    what about tome? is it tomb, or tome? the things you eat to increase your attributes.
    tome == book

    tomb == grave

  17. #17
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    reroll = what to do with a gimped toon

  18. #18



    Took me forever to figure out what that one means.....

    If I remember correctly, it took me nearly two years!
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    got em thanks. isnt the subterrean the area before the hound?
    The Sub (or the SubT) is the explorer zone that you have to go through to get to Hound or VoD, however, like was stated, it's also a popular launch spot for GTs to the Titan or Merida.
    Last edited by Pwesiela; 07-27-2009 at 06:27 PM.
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  20. #20
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Thanimal View Post
    tome == book

    tomb == grave
    i was a bit backwards in my spelling then. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    reroll = what to do with a gimped toon
    got it ... also RR

    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post

    Took me forever to figure out what that one means.....

    If I remember correctly, it took me nearly two years!
    then i still have anouther year and a half to go before i figure it out then. lol. can you tell me what it stands for? i never heard it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    got em thanks. isnt the subterrean the area before the hound?
    The Sub (or the SubT) is the explorer zone that you have to go through to get to Hound or VoD, however, like was stated, it's also a popular launch spot for GTs to the Titan or Merida.
    ill add that to it then. thanks
    Last edited by Shal; 07-27-2009 at 05:42 PM.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
    Get your PD on!

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