I thought of this build for a new toon, without seeing it first on the forums. The level splits just make sense.
I couldn't wrap my head UMD+rage though.
DC15 to get back up after being tripped isn't it? So no need for more than 10 ranks in Balance.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I tr-ed into this build and am wondering if I should swap out one of the feats for the 3rd lvl fighter pat life feat? seems that would fit in with the scheme of dps but I am wondering what i would give up? I see the list has changed to have mithral body now as well, so i might be looking at the old version.
as a side, does your dr apply to vicious damage from weapons?
i have something similiar to this its more like the 12 / 8 fighter barb build, its just insane how much power it has great build, but i kinda liked the v1 more then this one but thats just how i feel
mine is a human 28pointer nothing really supreme compared to other 32 point builds and tr's etc but it still packs more of a punch then most multiclassed meele's ive played remarkeble hp with very high dps makes him so enjoyable not much this guy havent cleared in seconds,
if you want to play something like this dont let the f2p 28points steer you away from it, even with a little less its a very potent meele build. mine got a few variable's i can tank most things also not high end stuff but i can tank
does anyone have the link to the first archon ? i cant seem to find it