Lets see. Here's my original full statement.
Which is actually my response to this precise quote of yours:
As you can plainly see, I used your exact example of what equipment that a character might twink with. This is a narrow focus. Both you and I are targeting the question on characters that would twink with this type of gear. Clearly, level 1-2 and NOT likely to be much higher.
To which you replied with ONLY:
I can only assume you just pulled that out of thin air since not only did you write a comment about specific equipment for twinking, I used your example and I asked a specific question about it.
You did finally answer on my second request with:
I'll break it down more slowly for you. In my quote, I have four "sentences" in the second "paragraph". I use those terms loosely because it's not exactly good grammar, however, there are four periods. The first two refer to the twinking situation...the specific equipment you mentioned and I used as my specific example. The third sentence is clearly a comment on the first two and clearly refers to how in the first week after DDO went live, it's unlikely (remember that word), that any player would have capped characters, acquired that equipment, then been able to start twinking characters that soon with it. The last sentence uses a common linking word...(unlikely) to link the 3rd and 4th sentences together in concept. The 4th sentence is merely a description of the 3rd. It is not a summary for the entire paragraph or the question.
I would agree, standing alone, you never discussed that in the first week of DDO's release that it would be unlikely for any player to be able to twink in this fashion for a lot of irrelevant reasons to this discussion. That still wasn't the point.
I think your answer is embarrassing in that you seem to be more focused on not admitting even a single misstep in your argument than the actual merits and continue to shuffle & side-step to avoid it. Sir, that sailing vessel that I mentioned was sinking to the ocean floor? Apparently you just pour greek fire on it because not only is it completely submerged in the ocean, it's now burning as it continues to sink.
I don't think these answers matter. You're asking for speculation on items that have many inputs. The mere existence of complaints doesn't merit a conclusion that it's linked to twinking. Really, none of these do. This is just an attempt to change the battle terrain...remove the factual and empirical and substitute with the subjective/anecdotal.
Well, this is your quote:
This is my FULL quote:
To which you assert just wrote:
I used the word happy. You use the word fun. Technically, I think you are correct. Happy <> Fun. They have different meanings although by use and definition these words are not exclusive. I think it would be a reasonably common English language usage to see both words in the same sentence or used together to describe a single enjoyable experience.
So lets say I replace my choice of a single word with yours and slightly alter the sentence to match while preserving the intent within [] brackets.
It is incredibly disingenuous to suggest as you did in your post that individuals don't know what [is fun for them] but somehow you do. Can't have it both ways - either all of us know or none of us know unless you're better than the rest of us.
So I would ask, do you agree, now, that this is a fair summation of your statement or did I transform the intent of your statement?
Yet again, an opinion to which you are entitled, but not fact. You fail to cite any relevant supporting information such as how often this occurs. All the time? Most of the time? Some of the time? Rarely? How did you measure failure? Simple pass fail? Grading? How did you determine a cutoff?
As we do seem to be discussing the "other untwinked possibly new players" at the moment, have you surveyed them to find their reasons for leaving? Was any analysis done looking for externalities? What percentage had a combination of reasons for being disappointed? Could cost to play (for some players), teenager, lost jobs, going back to school have played a role where they decided the combination of reasons meant it was better to do something else or just not play at all?
Oh, and since I already have your answer on this, what about the twinker? You know, since you're looking to enhance the experience of the player who's sent all this wonderful low level gear to their own character...what about him or her? How does their fun or happiness factor into things? Or are they just assumed to naturally be unhappy? Is there any chance they're just unhappy that DDO never introduced a full character re-spec option and they're forced to build a new character instead of re-using an existing one?
This just doesn't hold up under scrutiny, does it? Challenging the assumptions seems to remove the foundation for the conclusion?