Greetings folks. Just thought I'd stop in and say hello to my new home.
I've been a long time PnP D&D player and thought I'd finally give DDO a real try now that I have some extra time on my hands. I played a tiny bit and beta and for a few days after release, but real life crept in and forced me to stop playing no more than a week after release.
Made myself a little halfling monk named Osuno, as I thought that would be a decent first character to learn the ropes with. I just finished up the tutorial and beginning island quests, and am fresh off the boat in Stormreach. Other than being completely awed by the size and scope of my first real MMO experience, I'm having quite a bit of fun so far and look forward to a long, enjoyable time here. Quite a bit has changed from the little that I remember from my limited time in beta.
I'm still sifting through all the informative posts about how things work, class/race combos, and differences from PnP. I'm sure I'll have quite a few questions here and there, so please excuse me if I ask something rather obvious....we all have to start somewhere
Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and hope to see you all soon as I start leveling up and learning my way around.
Osuno Iriminage