Original PostWhile this isn't directly related to the capstone, the issue of Bow Strength has come up a few times in this thread, and how it's currently restricted solely to Rangers.
In a future module (not Mod 9!) we're considering easing that restriction, allowing the Bow Strength feat to be trained by other classes, though Rangers will continue to be getting it for free at first level.
Our current working version is:
Bow Strength
Prereqs: Base Attack Bonus +6, Weapon Focus: Ranged, Point Blank Shot, and any one of: Power Attack, Combat Expertise, or Zen Archery
Benefit: You apply your Strength bonus to bow damage.
Special: Rangers receive this feat at first level. A fighter may select Bow Strength as one of his fighter bonus feats.
As with all works-in-progress, this may change, especially since this change is not planned for the upcoming release. (The prerequisites are the part most likely to differ if released.)
I wanted to get this information out sooner rather than later, however. And yes, I know I listed Zen Archery in there. Consider that under the "work-in-progress" disclaimer as well.