Quote Originally Posted by Longor55
I have toon as you call it Monster- Dwarf 8fgtr/6rgr/monk(in future12/6/2) build running already for month and gattering gears and ingridients to make GS d axes...i like its AC and dps but still behind my Rnager14/fgtr2 with dps ....yes i counting on Mod 9 to make him good DPS mashine with Kensai but so far i doubt that he will outdps rgrs
Just compare them
+12 favored. that's it for the damage
20% more offhand attacks
15% attackspeed (which is 17%) But only 5 boosts

6 favored
4 weapon speci
1 enhancement
2 kensai
3 wf pa (unless you are wf as well with maxed pa)
5(or more) more strength than the ranger (8PS,3enhancements)
30% attackspeed (which = 42%) 8 boosts
4 seeker
more to hit

It's easy math comparing the monster vs a ranger, dunno what race you are, stats etc. But the basic point remains, figthers gain a lot of +dmg.