Desteria HAs in her bank Tier 3 failed atempt to learn the poper way to upgrade BoLAS from before we knew about duel shards!!! SP item. She has on her Concordent opp Cha dagger; Concordetn opp SP belt; Tempered HP goggles.

Mcgruf Has: Min2 G-Sword, min2 G-Axe, Smoke 2 neck 30LR+15FR, Bolas gloves 30AR+15LR; Min2 HP hat; Cloak wating for 2 mroe shroudh runs to become 45CR; He has plans for a min2 Long bow as well, (the keen rocks it).

Kwaiii Has: Existenal Stalmate SP/imunities/imunities gloves; paired min2 Kamas; min2 HP cloak.

Annibelle has: Existenal Stalmate SP/imunities/imunities gloves; Paired min2 Kopeshes; min2 HP neck; and a lognbow blank in the bank soon to become Min2.

Sandradee has: Concordent Opp Imunity/SP/SP Goggles; Bracers blank in the bank ryd to craft as soon as i get of fmy lazzy ass an DO so, triple HP, prolly tempered, maby Earthx3.

st.fut: Has very little he is a pure pally untill +3 dex tome for TWF and recent upgrades he sucked and i mostly used him as a shroud mule BUT he still has tier 2 SP/SP concordent Neck on; and BANKED CLENSED tier 2 min1 goggels replaced by VoD goggles.

Signing up....