i am not sure if this is in the right place but yeha sorry
how do i duel wield as a pally i heard you could but i can't figure out how to get the feat how do i pick feats taht i want
i am not sure if this is in the right place but yeha sorry
how do i duel wield as a pally i heard you could but i can't figure out how to get the feat how do i pick feats taht i want
Well, to optimize TWF, it's best to be a dexterity-based character, because the requirements are based off of your dexterity score
But. Just to dual wield. Click and drag a 1 handed weapon to your offhand.
i don't have the abilty to i need the feat for it but i don't know how to get it
Anybody *can* dual wield.
You just drag a weapon to your off hand slot in your inventory.
If you want it to be effective, you'll most likely want the Two Weapon Fighting feats.
The first one requires a base (starting score + level up points + tomes) of 15 dexterity while Improved Two Weapon Fighting and Greater Two Weapon Fighting require a base dexterity of 17.
ok but How Do I Pick What Feats I Want...
You pick them at character creation, and at levels 3,6,9,12,15, and 18 on a pure pally.
You can also swap feats once every 3 days by visiting Fred the Mindflayer in House J. He requires an appropriate dragonshard based on your level and also some gold.
You can get 1 free feat respec token by doing the quest from the chick near the auction house guy in the harbor. Then you can talk to Fred and don't need the shard or to pay him.
feats are givein out at specific levels. you recieve one Feat when you are level One. you recieve another when you are level three. Again your ecieve one at Six. This trend repeats, with you reciving feats at levels, Nine, Tweleve and Fifteen.
At those levels you can choose whatever feats you qualify for at the time you are taking them.
Some classes gain extra feats. Monk and Fighter get feats from lists they are able to pick. In the compendium you can find the chartsw that list the levels they get their bonus feats and what feats are available there.
Humans get one extra feat at level One.
If you have taken a feat and want to exchange it, you can do this for one sibreys dragonshard, and 100,000 gold pieces. This service is done by the mindflayer fred in house jorasco.
If you have not already done the "dragon mark" quest, you can speak to the woman in the harbor near the auctioneer. she will give you a quest that has an enterance near her. You then answer some questions. IF you get these correct you can get a dragon mark. The trick here is that she gives you the ability to swap a feat with the mindflayer in house J for free.
This might enable you to gain twf if you want it.
hope this helps.....
when you level up, you get feats (every 3 levels). if you have base + inherent dex = 15 or better, the twf feal will be available. if not, you do not see it on the list. after you get twf, you will need 17 dex for itwf and gtwf
If you want to know why...
i didn't gegt a list at all i just hiit lvl 3 about 3 hours ago
You only chose your feats if you customize your character at any point during his development. If you chose a preset path at character creation and have stuck to it, the feats will be chosen for you as you level. Depending on which path you took, they will be different.
~ Ascent ?
well i took a premade path how do i change that
none of the inbuilt paladin path's include two weapon fighting.
If you're planning on going two weapon fighting (twf) then you might be better to roll a ranger instead - and choose the 'Tempest' path. Alternatively, next time you level when you talk to the trainer just tell him that you want to go your own way and then you get to pick all the feats when you level. However, certain feats such as twf and improved twf need minimum stats and depending on which Paladin path you chose you might not qualify.
Which path, class and race did you chose at character generation?
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Bear in mind, you can roll a twf pally without any ranger levels, so long as your dex is high enough. You need a base dex (base is starting plus inherent tome bonus plus level ups) of at least 15 for two weapon fighting and 17 to get Improved two weapon fighting and superior 2 weapon fighting. Of the feats, two weapon fighting removes attack penalties for fighting two handed. Improved and greater provide extra attacks. Some additional relevant feats include oversized 2wf (which allows you to use a full sized weapon in your off hand without penalty) and 2wf Defense, which gives an extra point of AC.
If you go ranger, you may have certain advantages over the Pally (10% melee alacrity at level 6, rams might, barkskin, resist and protection from energy at a lower level). Additionally, you get twf, itwf and gtwf for free. A pally does get something like 10% melee alacrity at level 14, but it a spell that lasts about a minute (zeal). Your saves would probably be worse, and you wouldn't have access to some pally feats and enhancements, including lay on hands, smite, aura, and charisma bonus to your saves.
Please indicate your original race and starting stats. It may be easier to see what you are planning with the build if we have that information. Also, if you want a character plan for a twf pally, I can send you a PM.
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