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Thread: Axe Saint

  1. #1
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Default Axe Saint

    The goal of this build is to provide high dps, without building a tempest. Evasion and high saves to take advantage of it. And last but not least Intimidate. This won't have the DPS of a tempest, nor will it have the AC of a Tempest/Monk, but so far, lvl 7, it's a solid fun build to play.

    12/2/2 Ftr/Mnk/Pal


    Str 16 + 4 levels + 3 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 30
    Dex 16 + 1 Tome + 5 item = 22
    Con 13 +1 Tome + 2 Enhancement + 6 item = 22
    Int 11 +1 Tome = 12
    Wis 8 = 8
    Cha 12 + 1 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 20

    1 Toughness
    F1 Weapon Focus Slashing
    M1 Lightning Reflexes
    3 TWF
    M2 Iron Will
    6 Force of Personality
    F2 Oversize TWF
    F4 ITWF
    9 Imp Crit Slash
    F6 Weapon Spec Slashing
    12 Greater Weapon Focus Slashing
    F8 GTWF
    F10 Power Attack
    15 SF: Intimidate
    F12 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing

    8/4/4 Fighter 12
    3/3/3Monk 2
    3/0/0 Paladin 2
    6/6/5 Stats
    0/2/2 Feats
    4/4/4 Resistance
    5/5/5 Divine Grace
    1/1/1 Paladin Aura
    4/4/4 GH
    2/2/2 Luck
    5/5/5 Dwarven Spell Resistance
    2/2/2 Kensai
    42/36/35 buffed saves, plus Dwarven Spell Resistance


    10 Base
    8 DT Leather
    1 Armor alchemy
    6 Dex
    5 Protection
    1 Self aura
    2 Invaders ring
    2 Chaosgarde
    4 Shroud crafted insight
    39 w/o named raid loot buffs Not even enough to worry about, better off building Guard Items.


    20 Base
    10 Gianthold Feat
    120 Fighter 12
    20 Paladin 2
    16 Monk 2
    5 Way of the Patient Tortoise
    96 Con
    18 Toughness
    40 fighters Toughness IV
    40 Racial Toughness
    18 Minos Helm
    30 Greater False Life Belt
    45 Green Steel item
    478 Total


    19 Ranks
    5 Charisma
    4 GH
    3 SF
    15 Item
    3 Enhancement
    2 Luck
    6 Shroud Charisma Item
    2 Kensai
    60 Total


    2 Weapon Spec Slashing
    2 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing
    2 Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization 1 & 2
    3 Kensai
    9 Total This is only what fighter gives, not as good as a Ranger, but it applies to everything.
    Last edited by Nyvn; 01-18-2009 at 09:33 AM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Nyvn View Post
    The goal of this build is to provide high dps, without building a tempest. Evasion and high saves to take advantage of it. And last but not least Intimidate. This won't have the DPS of a tempest, nor will it have the AC of a Tempest/Monk, but so far, lvl 7, it's a solid fun build to play.

    12/2/2 Ftr/Mnk/Pal


    Str 16 + 4 levels + 3 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 30
    Dex 16 + 1 Tome + 5 item = 22
    Con 13 +1 Tome + 2 Enhancement + 6 item = 22
    Int 11 +1 Tome = 12
    Wis 8 = 8
    Cha 12 + 1 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 20

    1 Toughness
    F1 Weapon Focus Slashing
    M1 Lightning Reflexes
    3 TWF
    M2 Iron Will
    6 Force of Personality
    F2 Oversize TWF
    F4 ITWF
    9 Imp Crit Slash
    F6 Weapon Spec Slashing
    12 Greater Weapon Focus Slashing
    F8 GTWF
    F10 Power Attack
    15 SF: Intimidate
    F12 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing

    8/4/4 Fighter 12
    3/3/3Monk 2
    4/1/1 Paladin 2
    6/6/5 Stats
    0/2/2 Feats
    4/4/4 Resistance
    5/5/5 Divine Grace
    1/1/1 Paladin Aura
    4/4/4 GH
    2/2/2 Luck
    5/5/5 Dwarven Spell Resistance
    2/2/2 Kensai
    43/37/36 buffed saves, plus Dwarven Spell Resistance


    10 Base
    8 DT Leather
    1 Armor alchemy
    6 Dex
    5 Protection
    1 Self aura
    2 Invaders ring
    2 Chaosgarde
    4 Shroud crafted insight
    39 w/o named raid loot buffs Not even enough to worry about, better off building Guard Items.


    20 Base
    10 Gianthold Feat
    120 Fighter 12
    20 Paladin 2
    16 Monk 2
    5 Way of the Patient Tortoise
    96 Con
    18 Toughness
    40 fighters Toughness IV
    40 Racial Toughness
    18 Minos Helm
    30 Greater False Life Belt
    45 Green Steel item
    478 Total


    19 Ranks
    5 Charisma
    4 GH
    3 SF
    15 Item
    3 Enhancement
    2 Luck
    6 Shroud Charisma Item
    2 Kensai
    60 Total


    2 Weapon Spec Slashing
    2 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing
    2 Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization 1 & 2
    3 Kensai
    9 Total This is only what fighter gives, not as good as a Ranger, but it applies to everything.
    monk level is hardly complementary with armor, and thus the monk levels were there just for feats. are there any feats that are not critical? if so prolly u can swop in the 2 monk for 2 rog. while still having evasion, you now have more dps due to sneak but more importantly, opening up rog skills which gives you more contribution to the party
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  3. #3
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    monk level is hardly complementary with armor, and thus the monk levels were there just for feats. are there any feats that are not critical? if so prolly u can swop in the 2 monk for 2 rog. while still having evasion, you now have more dps due to sneak but more importantly, opening up rog skills which gives you more contribution to the party
    I concure.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    With your saves so high anyway, do you really need to spend feats on Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will? Seems a shade unnecessary. Also, I believe your save progression is off for 2 pally. It should be 3/0/0 not 4/1/1, unless you were also including the base aura, which means you counted it twice. I also don't think you'll need to take all the enhancements in the dorf spell resistance - again, may prove unnecessary.

    What are your thoughts for your final 4 levels when the cap goes up? 6 pally for a PrE?

  5. #5
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyvn View Post
    The goal of this build is to provide high dps, without building a tempest. Evasion and high saves to take advantage of it. And last but not least Intimidate. This won't have the DPS of a tempest, nor will it have the AC of a Tempest/Monk, but so far, lvl 7, it's a solid fun build to play.

    12/2/2 Ftr/Mnk/Pal


    Str 16 + 4 levels + 3 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 30
    Dex 16 + 1 Tome + 5 item = 22
    Con 13 +1 Tome + 2 Enhancement + 6 item = 22
    Int 11 +1 Tome = 12
    Wis 8 = 8
    Cha 12 + 1 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 20

    1 Toughness
    F1 Weapon Focus Slashing
    M1 Lightning Reflexes
    3 TWF
    M2 Iron Will
    6 Force of Personality
    F2 Oversize TWF
    F4 ITWF
    9 Imp Crit Slash
    F6 Weapon Spec Slashing
    12 Greater Weapon Focus Slashing
    F8 GTWF
    F10 Power Attack
    15 SF: Intimidate
    F12 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing

    8/4/4 Fighter 12
    3/3/3Monk 2
    4/1/1 Paladin 2
    6/6/5 Stats
    0/2/2 Feats
    4/4/4 Resistance
    5/5/5 Divine Grace
    1/1/1 Paladin Aura
    4/4/4 GH
    2/2/2 Luck
    5/5/5 Dwarven Spell Resistance
    2/2/2 Kensai
    43/37/36 buffed saves, plus Dwarven Spell Resistance


    10 Base
    8 DT Leather
    1 Armor alchemy
    6 Dex
    5 Protection
    1 Self aura
    2 Invaders ring
    2 Chaosgarde
    4 Shroud crafted insight
    39 w/o named raid loot buffs Not even enough to worry about, better off building Guard Items.


    20 Base
    10 Gianthold Feat
    120 Fighter 12
    20 Paladin 2
    16 Monk 2
    5 Way of the Patient Tortoise
    96 Con
    18 Toughness
    40 fighters Toughness IV
    40 Racial Toughness
    18 Minos Helm
    30 Greater False Life Belt
    45 Green Steel item
    478 Total


    19 Ranks
    5 Charisma
    4 GH
    3 SF
    15 Item
    3 Enhancement
    2 Luck
    6 Shroud Charisma Item
    2 Kensai
    60 Total


    2 Weapon Spec Slashing
    2 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing
    2 Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization 1 & 2
    3 Kensai
    9 Total This is only what fighter gives, not as good as a Ranger, but it applies to everything.
    You're AC needs to be a LOT higher if you're going to be an intimitank. You'll be guaranteed to be squished once you hit Gianthold and beyond with your AC. Instead, I'm of the opinion that it's best on an intimitank to be able to switch between TWF and S&B. After all the advantage of a Fighter are all of those feats you get. You should easily be able to spec for both of these. Instead of Lightning reflexes and Iron will, pick up shield mastery and improved shield mastery and find yourself a good +5 mithral tower shield, or Levik's Defender eventually. That way you can throw on the shield, intimidate and shield block when you need to with some good shield blocking DR.

    Also, I do think that the saves from Paladin 2 and evasion from Monk 2 are awesome, but aren't they going to come out with a Dwarven Defender Fighter prestige class in mod 9? The other third tier of Prcs have been pretty good so you could be missing out on the final tier.
    The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
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  6. #6
    Community Member BurningDownTheHouse's Avatar
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    All i see is a Batman, not that it's not fun to play (i still play mine), but it's so mod 3-4...
    Officer of Pestilence.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Lailat is just a loot pinyata.

  7. #7
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Default suggestions

    swap lightning reflexes for CE.
    grind or get +2 int tomb to qualify for CE.
    run numbers for AC with shield light Armor and +5 mithral tower shield and raid buffs.
    You might have to swap some enhancements to take advantage of your dex and tower shields but should be minimal impact.

    The adavantage of this type of build is the well roundedness of it. DPS ? grab a +5 great ax. Intim? turtle up with a tower shield and hold agro until your hearts content.

    I have a very similar build although i went blunt weapon spec'd to take advantage of quarter staves and the monk fists of fury.

    Also won't all dwarven fighter splashes be able to qualify for Dwarven Defender? I was under the impression that their was a Racial and a Class prestige enhancement line? Not sure wheere i got this idea from but is that correct?
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

  8. #8
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    monk level is hardly complementary with armor, and thus the monk levels were there just for feats. are there any feats that are not critical? if so prolly u can swop in the 2 monk for 2 rog. while still having evasion, you now have more dps due to sneak but more importantly, opening up rog skills which gives you more contribution to the party
    Quote Originally Posted by BurningDownTheHouse View Post
    All i see is a Batman, not that it's not fun to play (i still play mine), but it's so mod 3-4...
    I already have a Batman build with full rogue skills, and as you say they're a blast to play. I see alot of rogue splashes running around; so I doubt parties will be stuck looking for a rogue, not that most traps can't be bypassed. Monk is about the evasion, which rogue also provides, plus the saves which 3/5/5 with feats factored in. I do miss UMD, but it's not game breaking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    With your saves so high anyway, do you really need to spend feats on Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will? Seems a shade unnecessary. Also, I believe your save progression is off for 2 pally. It should be 3/0/0 not 4/1/1, unless you were also including the base aura, which means you counted it twice. I also don't think you'll need to take all the enhancements in the dorf spell resistance - again, may prove unnecessary.

    What are your thoughts for your final 4 levels when the cap goes up? 6 pally for a PrE?
    Fixed the saves. I agree the Dwarven Spell Resistance, and the save Feats might very well prove to be overkill. I can always re spec those. I'm planning on the final 6 levels to be fighter, but I'll have to see what enhancements come out for fighters to be sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralmeth View Post
    You're AC needs to be a LOT higher if you're going to be an intimitank. You'll be guaranteed to be squished once you hit Gianthold and beyond with your AC. Instead, I'm of the opinion that it's best on an intimitank to be able to switch between TWF and S&B. After all the advantage of a Fighter are all of those feats you get. You should easily be able to spec for both of these. Instead of Lightning reflexes and Iron will, pick up shield mastery and improved shield mastery and find yourself a good +5 mithral tower shield, or Levik's Defender eventually. That way you can throw on the shield, intimidate and shield block when you need to with some good shield blocking DR.

    Also, I do think that the saves from Paladin 2 and evasion from Monk 2 are awesome, but aren't they going to come out with a Dwarven Defender Fighter prestige class in mod 9? The other third tier of Prcs have been pretty good so you could be missing out on the final tier.
    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post
    swap lightning reflexes for CE.
    grind or get +2 int tomb to qualify for CE.
    run numbers for AC with shield light Armor and +5 mithral tower shield and raid buffs.
    You might have to swap some enhancements to take advantage of your dex and tower shields but should be minimal impact.

    The adavantage of this type of build is the well roundedness of it. DPS ? grab a +5 great ax. Intim? turtle up with a tower shield and hold agro until your hearts content.

    I have a very similar build although i went blunt weapon spec'd to take advantage of quarter staves and the monk fists of fury.

    Also won't all dwarven fighter splashes be able to qualify for Dwarven Defender? I was under the impression that their was a Racial and a Class prestige enhancement line? Not sure wheere i got this idea from but is that correct?
    The save feats are monk bonus feats, as designated by the M1 and M2 beside them, and as such can't be shield mastery feats. Not that shield mastery is , IMO, worth taking. I have a +5 Mithral Tower Shield in the bank, though mainly for Blocking DR not ac. High AC is one way of tanking, another is Guard items. If you haven't seen a guard barbarian at work you might want to find one to watch, and guard items don't contribute much when you're not getting hit. Currently the only fighter PRE announced is Kensai, which while tier 3 is powerful I think evasion and saves are more powerful, always the decision to make while Multi classing which is more beneficial to the build you have in your head. Dwarves will be able to qualify for the Defender PRE but not until mod 10 as they've run into codding issues.

  9. #9
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    The save feats are monk bonus feats, as designated by the M1 and M2 beside them, and as such can't be shield mastery feats. Not that shield mastery is , IMO, worth taking. I have a +5 Mithral Tower Shield in the bank, though mainly for Blocking DR not ac. High AC is one way of tanking, another is Guard items. If you haven't seen a guard barbarian at work you might want to find one to watch, and guard items don't contribute much when you're not getting hit. Currently the only fighter PRE announced is Kensai, which while tier 3 is powerful I think evasion and saves are more powerful, always the decision to make while Multi classing which is more beneficial to the build you have in your head. Dwarves will be able to qualify for the Defender PRE but not until mod 10 as they've run into codding issues.[/QUOTE]

    You can spend your monk feats on toughness and combat expertise, thus freeing up your other feats for anything else.
    The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
    "From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Nyvn View Post
    Fixed the saves. I agree the Dwarven Spell Resistance, and the save Feats might very well prove to be overkill. I can always re spec those. I'm planning on the final 6 levels to be fighter, but I'll have to see what enhancements come out for fighters to be sure.

    6 fighter at end level is not going to help alot. fighter prcs are at 6,12,18. by going 2ftr and 4pal or 4mnk could possibly help you more. but it is important to see what are the prcs before making that decision

    The save feats are monk bonus feats, as designated by the M1 and M2 beside them, and as such can't be shield mastery feats. Not that shield mastery is , IMO, worth taking. I have a +5 Mithral Tower Shield in the bank, though mainly for Blocking DR not ac. High AC is one way of tanking, another is Guard items. If you haven't seen a guard barbarian at work you might want to find one to watch, and guard items don't contribute much when you're not getting hit. Currently the only fighter PRE announced is Kensai, which while tier 3 is powerful I think evasion and saves are more powerful, always the decision to make while Multi classing which is more beneficial to the build you have in your head. Dwarves will be able to qualify for the Defender PRE but not until mod 10 as they've run into codding issues.
    this is a huge misconception. ddo is about damage mitigation at the end game. there are 4 primary damage mitigation methods (a) concealment ie blur/displace (b) AC ie bard song, prot item (c) DR ie stoneskin, barb DR (d) dps.

    going by what you say and the stated 39 AC, if i assume that you are going to intimitank by using guard items, then i would say this build is a poor intimitank. there are several reasons.

    at 39 ac, you are going to get hit alot

    if you are going to get hit alot, you better have high hp or DR

    your DR at best will be ironskin chant or shield DR. ironskin chant is 5DR, hardly useful when you are getting whacked tons. thus you are likely to be shield blocking. you have zero dps while shield blocking and your DR is likely to even out at 25 or so unless you took dwarven shield mastery. however doing so, you will find yourself short on other areas

    will such a build work. yes, but will it be effective? that is what you need to ask yourself. btw barbs can go guard effect due to their high DR and they are mostly WF
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