The goal of this build is to provide high dps, without building a tempest. Evasion and high saves to take advantage of it. And last but not least Intimidate. This won't have the DPS of a tempest, nor will it have the AC of a Tempest/Monk, but so far, lvl 7, it's a solid fun build to play.
12/2/2 Ftr/Mnk/Pal
Str 16 + 4 levels + 3 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 30
Dex 16 + 1 Tome + 5 item = 22
Con 13 +1 Tome + 2 Enhancement + 6 item = 22
Int 11 +1 Tome = 12
Wis 8 = 8
Cha 12 + 1 Enhancement + 1 Tome + 6 item = 20
1 Toughness
F1 Weapon Focus Slashing
M1 Lightning Reflexes
M2 Iron Will
6 Force of Personality
F2 Oversize TWF
9 Imp Crit Slash
F6 Weapon Spec Slashing
12 Greater Weapon Focus Slashing
F10 Power Attack
15 SF: Intimidate
F12 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing
8/4/4 Fighter 12
3/3/3Monk 2
3/0/0 Paladin 2
6/6/5 Stats
0/2/2 Feats
4/4/4 Resistance
5/5/5 Divine Grace
1/1/1 Paladin Aura
4/4/4 GH
2/2/2 Luck
5/5/5 Dwarven Spell Resistance
2/2/2 Kensai
42/36/35 buffed saves, plus Dwarven Spell Resistance
10 Base
8 DT Leather
1 Armor alchemy
6 Dex
5 Protection
1 Self aura
2 Invaders ring
2 Chaosgarde
4 Shroud crafted insight
39 w/o named raid loot buffs Not even enough to worry about, better off building Guard Items.
20 Base
10 Gianthold Feat
120 Fighter 12
20 Paladin 2
16 Monk 2
5 Way of the Patient Tortoise
96 Con
18 Toughness
40 fighters Toughness IV
40 Racial Toughness
18 Minos Helm
30 Greater False Life Belt
45 Green Steel item
478 Total
19 Ranks
5 Charisma
4 GH
3 SF
15 Item
3 Enhancement
2 Luck
6 Shroud Charisma Item
2 Kensai
60 Total
2 Weapon Spec Slashing
2 Greater Weapon Spec Slashing
2 Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization 1 & 2
3 Kensai
9 Total This is only what fighter gives, not as good as a Ranger, but it applies to everything.