I've a few questions for the folks who are more experienced at playing barbarians than I. I've poked around a bit on the forums, buts haven't found many answers to the questions I've faced while leveling one human barbarian to 9 and with my new WF barbarian (lvl 4), both 2HF.
-How early in your career do you take the improved Power Attack line(s)? I can't be bothered to keep a tab on how often I'm missing and whether my DPS will go up or down significantly if I get rid of them, but even at lvl 9 with pretty decent gear, I find myself missing a fair amount of the time. So, at what point does the extra damage vs. the further penalty to hit balance out, or do most folks just go for the damage as soon as it is available?
-I'm used to playing my tanks, who can wade into battle heedlessly, and who can perform fairly well in most situations without a/the cleric (whether because I'm soloing, or because the cleric went down, is out of SP or fell behind), but I haven't found this to be true on the barbarians. I know that they are generally regarded as mana-sinks, but I was wondering what methods people use to mitigate this at the early levels, where groups are often likely without a cleric.
Sub-questions: Do you take any Dex on your barbs?
How can a WF get meaningful AC early in the game?
-How good is the DR boost? I tend to use it a lot, but get knocked around a bit in spite of this.
-Which would be more useful early in the game (lvl 3-8ish): THF (and ITHF), Toughness (and its associated enhancements), or Stunning Blow?
-I know that a greataxe swings somewhat faster than a greatsword, but is the difference enough to shun greatswords for everything but on-crit effects like Smiting?
-What sort of gear do you go after for lvls:
I'm asking about armor, weapons, and non-stat boosting accessories. Do you hunt for Lesser Restore clickies (for the non-robotic barbs)? Rage clickies? Protection items? Resist?