4 Planar Girds
+1 Wop dagger
+1 Wop shortbow
+1 Wop Rapier (if price is right)
Greater potency 7 kama
+5 mith FP
Banishing Rapier
Smiting Rapier
GT Bastard Sword of disruption
GT Bow of disruption
Ethereal Bracers
+2 wis tome
Weak of enfeebling dagger , and repeater
Weak of puncturing ss, repeater
DPS repeaters and khopeshes
Power 4 repeaters
Giantcraft Compass
Jorgundal's Collar
Kardin's eye
Armor 8 Bracers (half)....trade for dwarf
a dozen or so Greater construct and greater evil bane weps...also transmuting and holy available
plenty other named and dps...if u dont see ask u may get lucky
Looking for smalls..mainly scales and stones...
med ...mainly bone atm
larges...any but mainly scale, stone
vale and quest ing...mainly twig pebble
Also looking for blanks..any item, rapier, kama, khopesh, or any popular weapon type
Armor 8 bracers rr dwarf
Squeek, plugz, savez, nohealz