Looking at Max Turning in game. I know, I know, people will claim turning is nerfed, Inflated HD, etc. etc. but, I've always been a fan of Cleric Turning and a few things recently have caught my eye.
Okay, for the calculation, based on a lvl 16 Cleric(not going into detail on how the stats reached that for this discussion):
Chr mod is +7 for this example
Seraphim Helm (Sacred and Hallowed)
Lorriks Shield (+2 to Turn level, +2 to damage and +4 to Max HD Turned)
Gauntlets of Eternity (Sacred and Hallowed but still stacks with Helm (DM verified) and +4 to Max HD turned)
I tried to figure out the calculation below, but I'm wrong. I get wrapped around the axle sometimes. Here is my stab at it.....
Calculate Effective Cleric Turning Level:
Cleric Level 16 + 1 [Imp Turn Feat] + 3 [ImpTurn III Enhancement] + 2 [Seraphim Helm Sacred] +2 [Gauntlets Sacred] + 4 [Seek Eternal Rest] + 2 [Lorriks Shield Eternal Faith] = 30 effective Cleric Level for turning
Turn Check: 1d20 + 7 [CHA mod] + 4 [Lorriks Shield] +4 [Gauntlets of Eternity] = Cleric Level (effectively 30) + (0 to 4 per table) + 4 [Lorrik Shield] +4 [Gauntlets] Max HD turned (so Max HD undead creature that could be affected is 42 HD creature)
Turn Damage: 2d6 + Cleric Level [effectively 30] + 7 [CHA mod] + 2 [Lorriks Shield] +2 [Helm] +2 [Gauntlets] = max 56 total HD turned.
Undead under 1/2 your effective Cleric level (30) = 15 HD are destroyed.
Oh, this is messy.....help !!!!