Has this ever been done before? Just curious, really. I have an old Arcane Psycho wizard I build a year or so ago, but he just doesn't have anything going for him. Two-handed fighting is a bit gimp especially without extra feats or a 40+ strength to throw at it. I won't be leveling him to 20 after the cap goes up. So, I wanted to replace him with a more casting-oriented TWF melee-caster. I'll max Cha and start with 15 Dex, but the rest is a bit up in the air. At any rate, here's what I came up with and a bit about why.
The first TWF feat is no big deal. Imp TWF is extra attacks, as is Grtr TWF. IMO, that means GTWF or go home. However, for casters, the BAB requirement is hard. Really hard. Sorc/Wiz 20 only finish with 10 BAB, and they get that on their 20th level. So, in order to get GTWF at all, they need to take 2 levels of another full BAB class and get a bonus feat at level 20. Fighter is just about the only way I know to do this, so that works for me. Sorc 18 / Fighter 2 is the obvious choice, but I'm tempted to do Sorc 18 / X 1 / Fighter 1, with the other splash being Barb/Paladin/Ranger of some sort. Something worth discussing I guess.
But what Race?
Any front-line caster stands a LOT to gain by being Warforged. And I'm going to be missing 2 caster levels for spell penetration anyway, so missing a point or 2 off the DCs won't be the end of the world. Elves get the yummy Rapier bonuses, but I'm too poor to ever afford the high-end rapiers (WoP, Banishing, etc). Drow get the Cha boost to help the DCs try to make up for the lost Spell Pen.
Anyway, thoughts, ideas, and previous builds are welcome. Just wondering if somebody was already heading down this path.