The other day I was being my awesome self and decided to do a quest which some lesser mortals would consider difficult, but I often solo faster than they could manage with a full group.
I was feeling generous and thought: “I should be sharing some of my awesome with the community” and so I graciously started a pug which naturally filled quickly, because no doubt word has spread of my awesomeness.

Anyway, we got to talking and everyone was staking claims on how this quest should be run using their pathetic game knowledge. I had to keep from laughing at their inferiority, but I humoured them and let the most vocal person lead knowing I could step in, in saviour-god like fashion, should the need inevitably occur.

As it turns out the person who was talking the most about how everything should be done was the least capable of the task and ended up leaving the party, and all the people he was putting down ended up being sufficient enough to live through the exercise. It still took me longer to complete it with them than by myself though so clearly I was the most awesome player present.

Do you have any stories about how awesome you are? I'd like to read them and use them to judge how awesome I think you really are compared to me, so then I can form a basis to decide if I want to associate with you in game and on the forums. We need exercises like these to sort out how many people are of the same caliber of awesome as I am and build this community up!