Not sure if anyone has considered it yet, but I was thinking of a new Monk build combining Monk levels with Fighter levels to create an unarmed Kensai, but still retain a very Monk-ish flavour.
Given the AC achievable, combined with Intimidate, it could be quite an excellent Intimitank as well.

Haven't run it through the Character Generator yet, but I'm thinking of a Human 12 Fighter / 8 Monk split at endgame.

End result would be a character with :
- Evasion
- Slowfall
- Immunity to disease
- Wholeness of Body
- Adept of ___ stances
- Monk WIS 2, and Fighter STR 2 (or 3)
- Kensai II - granting +2 to hit / dmg, +2 to confirm criticals / critical damage, +2 saves vs. magic, +2 to combat feat DCs (we'll see if Stunning Fist works or not - I'm guessing "no"), +2 to intimidate/bluff/concentration, and Kensai Power Surge (+8 STR short-time buff).
- Greater weapon spec, greater weapon focus, and the Fighter wpn spec enhancements
- Fighter toughness IV and Monk patient tortoise II
- enough leftover feats to still get GTWF, Imp. Crit, Toughness, Dodge, CE, etc.
- Expeditious Retreat, Dimension Door, Teleport an option via Human dragonmarks

The damage output looks rather disgusting as well:
+ 4 - wpn spec and gtr wpn spec
+ 2 - fighter enhancement
+ 2 - kensai I and II
+ 5 - power attack
+ X* - strength bonus to each fist. I'd imagine this number will be around +8 or +9

Add in handwrap enhancement damage (+5, for the sake of argument), bardsong (warchanter bonus caps at +8dmg), good hope (+2), Human versatility IV (+5), and Kensai power surge (+4) and you're looking at over +40dmg per fist while grouped and all clickies on. That's pretty nice.

Stats - assuming starting stats of, say, 16 in STR, DEX and WIS, and level ups being split between STR and WIS, + racial and class enhancements, you could have a final STR and WIS of 27ish. 29 with +2 tomes.
In Ocean Stance, up to 31, which is enough for a good Stunning Fist DC; or Wind Stance for 15% haste (+ fighter haste clickies).

However, this build would lose out on Quivering Palm, the master stances, Improved Evasion (ouch), Abundant Step (dragonmarks do the same), Diamond Body, Diamond Soul, improved Ki strikes, and eventually Empty Body and Perfect Self.

Worth it?
