I have a old-build level 9 sorcerer that I would like to take for a spin.
I would appreciate any advice on a challenging quest he should be able to solo. He is equipped with a +4 mithral shield and is not steathy.
I would also appreciate any input as to enhancements and spells.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.96 DDO Character Planner Home Page Heat Level 9 Lawful Good Drow Male (9 Sorcerer) Hit Points: 65 Spell Points: 826 BAB: 4\4 Fortitude: 4 Reflex: 5 Will: 5 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats Abilities (Level 1) (Level 9) (Level 9) Strength 8 8 8 Dexterity 14 14 15 Constitution 13 13 13 Intelligence 10 10 10 Wisdom 8 8 8 Charisma 20 22 24 Starting Ending Base Skills Base Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 9) Balance 2 2 Bluff 5 7 Concentration 5 13 Diplomacy 5 7 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 5 7 Heal -1 -1 Hide 2 2 Intimidate 5 7 Jump -1 -1 Listen -1 -1 Move Silently 2 2 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair 0 0 Search 0 0 Spot -1 -1 Swim -1 -1 Tumble n/a n/a Use Magic Device 7 13 Level 1 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell Spell (1): Jump Spell (1): Magic Missle Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy Manipulation I Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I Level 2 (Sorcerer) Spell (1): Niac's Cold Ray Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Empowering I Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I Level 3 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Spell (1): Shield Enhancement: Elven Arcane Fluidity I Level 4 (Sorcerer) Ability Raise: CHA Spell (2): Hypnotic Pattern Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy Manipulation II Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II Level 5 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Invisibility Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Energy I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II Level 6 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell Spell (3): Haste Enhancement: Sorcerer Spell Penetration I Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II Level 7 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Otto's Resistable Dance Spell (3): Lightning Bolt Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III Level 8 (Sorcerer) Ability Raise: CHA Spell (4): Charm Monster Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy Manipulation III Level 9 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Spell Penetration Spell (2): Web Spell (3): Ray of Exhaustion Spell (4): Wall of Fire Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Energy II Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II