Trying to decide which to roll. Here's what I'm thinking - tell me what you think!
20 Base CHA = 1 more then Human (18+adaptability)
14 CON
leaves for 12 INT (enough points for UMD, Concentration, and Haggle)
Human: 32 pt build (I'm guessing the numbers - will have to edit when I get home)
18 CHA + 1 adaptability = 1 less then drow
17 CON
11 INT (+1 tome) = 12 INT = 1 human +3 pts = 4 skills/level so: (UMD, Conc, Haggle, maybe balance?)
Extra Feat
Human Adaptability 2 (probly into CON)
Human Skill Boosts (a-lot! of AP investment, but possible 20s +5 boost to UMD)
Is there anything else I'm missing? Basically, human would have 1 less CHA, but extra feat, and more HP? what are the other pros/cons I'm missing?