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  1. #1
    Founder Gol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Permadeath builds?

    Are there any popular/good PD builds out there? The restrictions that typical PD imposes make a lot of the common "uber" builds out there a lot less practical due to reliance on twink gear and/or hoards of plat.

    I'd also be looking for a solo-friendly PD build, and was leaning towards a Str-based dwarven TWF cleric with a monk 2 splash. Major attribute dependencies, I know, but much more resilient and self-sufficient in the long run.

  2. #2


    You can see some of the builds that made level 10 over here in the Sublime forums:

    Some are great builds, some are just lucky and had good groups like my Nock build

    So far my favorite pd character to solo has been my halfling ranger with one level of wizard. The wizard level was so I could get Maximize for my dragonmarks. I'll probably add a level of rogue to the next build when he dies.
    Last edited by Zornochio; 10-09-2008 at 05:43 PM.

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