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Thread: Bard/rogue

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Bard/rogue

    So yeah, i had a bard that i multiclassed rogue beacause i play often with friend's and we needed the disable trap skill, i am lvl 2 bard and lvl 1 rogue, and i have my level 4 not trained yet, i dunno what to do, i would like my character to be as good as possible, i realy like the bard but i feel i should put more level in rogue to be usefull, but i also think my stats are too bad to do that, 10 str, 14 dex (could be 15 in 2 action point), 6 const, 12 int, 10 wis, and 19 charisma, my melee dps isint awersome actualy, i miss often but i hit very hard when i do, but i can never find the trap box to disarm it, witch make me useless for what i multiclassed... any suggestion ? should i care less about the rogue side and focus on bard ? or more on rogue ? did i just wasted my character and just reroll ? im lost

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    My drow bard 14/rogue 2 with the following initial stats:-
    Cha:18 + 4 Lvls

    I got feat nimble finger + Skill Focus DD in low level and then swap to Skill Focus UMD + Insightful Reflexes.
    Trap is not really an issue even in elite quest, except the one in Cabal For One.
    I took rogue 2 at L16 because I feel that I may need evasion to traps.
    However, just have 190 HP (with only +4 con item, Greater False Life, without green steel gear) which is the main issue, especially in high-end content. Maybe shall drop 2 from int (4 points) for con to reach 12.
    I can still hit mobs after song buff using +5 rapier but will have some misses occasionally in the Vale quests.
    Last edited by Ala; 09-28-2008 at 08:08 AM.

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    You're suffering from the "unplanned multiclass" problem, it'd be really best for you to reroll, actually.
    You need to make sure your Int is high enough to max out both bard (perform), rogue (dd, search, open locks, hopefully spot too) and other (umd, maybe hide/move silently?) skills. 12 is probably not enough.
    Base 6 con is not a great idea either, even for a support character, especially since you're rather new to the game. I would suggest you start at 10 at least.

    I suggest you plan your build using Ron's character planner (easy to find). Make sure you start as a rogue too in order to get more skill points.

    Finally, 1 level of rogue is enough if you plan it correctly. Going to 2 can be good for evasion. Going further is probably a bad idea unless you have some specific plan in mind.

  4. #4
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Guessing not able to build a 32 pter.......but if you have drow open.........your taking two classes that need alot of value in starting stats. Rogue, bard bard, rouge, bard..........would be how I would go personaly. I do have a drow capped like this by the way and enjoy her alot. with 28 pter 1-1's you could go 12 16 12 16 8 16 and maxumize your build points. Put level ups into cha, I found the two weapon fighting chain to feat expensive on this build personaly, so suggest light mith shield and rapier combos and para short bows are great.

    Do max perform, dd, search, ol, umd, diplomacy, haggle..............splash some into m/s, his, spot, balance.

    Feats may look like..........Force of personality, extend, weapon finness, negotiator, skill focus umd, improved crit pierce.

    Make sure you pick a specialty, I like virtuoso (ie the negotiator feat) but any of the three are nice, and max you songs lenght and to hit (-1)/damage boosts.
    Last edited by Varr; 09-29-2008 at 01:38 PM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

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