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  1. #1
    Founder RemoJr's Avatar
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    Default Help with lord of blades rogue

    Alright, so I'm building a Warforge rogue that can dish out damage and has the lord of blades enhancement. I've always wanted a WF rogue, and a follower of the lord of blades, so I'm mixing them. I have this so far, any suggestions?

    32 pt
    10 rogue / 6 paladin

    Str 16 + 4 lvls + 4 item = 24 + 2 (6 item) + 2 tome + 4 enh = 32
    Dex 12 + 4 item + 2 enh = 18
    Con 14 + 4 item + 2 enh = 20
    Int 12
    Wis 10 + 4 item = 14 (will need wis item for level 1 pal spells)
    Cha 12 + 4 item = 16

    1-Mithral body
    3 – weapon focus slash
    6 - toughness
    9 - power attack
    12 – imp. Crit: slash
    15 – nimble fingers

    Skills (in order of priority)
    1-Disarm trap
    3-open lock
    8- move silently
    9- jump

    20 base
    10 draconic vitality
    18 minos legens
    80 con bonus
    23 toughness w/ pal tough 1
    60 pal base
    60 rogue base
    30 greater false life

    edit: decided to drop dex to 12 and add 2 to int
    Last edited by RemoJr; 09-23-2008 at 07:48 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lawrence View Post
    Remember to have your kobolds spayed or neutered.

  2. #2
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Have you considered a twf build on this?

    Have you considered UMD... as UMD is a great way to cast Reconstruct

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  3. #3
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    your base INT and WIS is weak it seems. If you plan on doing anything rogue-like near end game, your going to have to start off with a higher INT, at LEAST 14, maybe 16 and at least 12 wisdom, or else searching for those traps is really going to suffer.
    You can always go 2handed for the crit's+sneak attacks, you would do a lot of damage when flanking, (just let the tanks get aggro haha) otherwise spend your skill points into jump/tumble/haggle and Balance.

    Just my 2 copper.
    The worse this game gets, the more I am inching towards making my own DDO! [ With Unreal Engine, Blackjack and Hookers too! Hookers as in Fish ]

  4. #4
    Community Member ShadowFox1978's Avatar
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    Where are you getting enhancements to strength on a pally rogue(let alone +4)?

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  5. #5
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowFox1978 View Post
    Where are you getting enhancements to strength on a pally rogue(let alone +4)?
    Lord of Blades Pally Enhancement gives a large combat boost for a short duration

    comes out to be +4 Profane Strength Bonus

    long cooldown timer though

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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmwood View Post
    your base INT and WIS is weak it seems. If you plan on doing anything rogue-like near end game, your going to have to start off with a higher INT, at LEAST 14, maybe 16 and at least 12 wisdom, or else searching for those traps is really going to suffer.
    You can always go 2handed for the crit's+sneak attacks, you would do a lot of damage when flanking, (just let the tanks get aggro haha) otherwise spend your skill points into jump/tumble/haggle and Balance.

    Just my 2 copper.

    you can easily get by with a 12 int as long as you have the max item and max stat item, just have skill boost handy and GH. Will saves are not as big a problem with a WF as most of the things that a failed will save will have you killed do not apply like hold monster or person etc.
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  7. #7
    Founder RemoJr's Avatar
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    I'm going 2handed, greatsword specifically when I can sense I'll get a +1 attk with the lord of blades ability.

    I could drop the str to 14 and up the int and wis by 2 points each.

    And yeah, the +4 str enh is from the lord of blades transformation, the additions after the 24 are situational and posibilities, best case senarios. I don't count on finding a +6 str item and +2 str tome, but thoose are possibilities.

    I don't think I'll grab umd, sense I'm focusing on combat and traps, doesn't seem to have room for umd skills/umd focus feat/ ect. .
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lawrence View Post
    Remember to have your kobolds spayed or neutered.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmwood View Post
    your base INT and WIS is weak it seems. If you plan on doing anything rogue-like near end game, your going to have to start off with a higher INT, at LEAST 14, maybe 16 and at least 12 wisdom, or else searching for those traps is really going to suffer.
    You can always go 2handed for the crit's+sneak attacks, you would do a lot of damage when flanking, (just let the tanks get aggro haha) otherwise spend your skill points into jump/tumble/haggle and Balance.

    Just my 2 copper.
    Search is INT not WIS. You're thinking of spot. And regarding the spot skill; I'm yet to be in a party as my rogue that did not include at least one person that jumped up and down like an idiot in front of every single trapbox.

  9. #9
    Founder RemoJr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias27 View Post
    Search is INT not WIS. You're thinking of spot. And regarding the spot skill; I'm yet to be in a party as my rogue that did not include at least one person that jumped up and down like an idiot in front of every single trapbox.
    good point, i can buff int to 14 by dropingthe str to 14. Or if I dropped dex to 12, i can have a 12 int and keep the 16 str. Would losing the 2 dex really hurt? I'd have a slightly lower ref save, slightly lower skills, and slightly lower ac, but my attack and damage would go up. hmm, not sure which to go with.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lawrence View Post
    Remember to have your kobolds spayed or neutered.

  10. #10
    Founder RemoJr's Avatar
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    Alright, so I went through the numbers. with a 12 int i can do:

    19 skils
    10 item
    3 enhancements
    2 way of mechanic
    3 int
    2 nimble fingers
    4 GH
    3 tools
    5 skill boost
    51 disable / 46 search (doesn't include tools or nimble fingers)

    This is not assuming best gear. This isn't high enough for every trap in the game, but it's good for like 95% of them i think. So skills-wise, I'm good with the 12dex/12 int idea. Saves are fine sense I'm part paladin. That just leaves AC, but 1 point doesn't make-or-break a build. I'm thinking I'll go with dropping dex to 12 and upping int to 12.

    went through the ac numbers. looks like with the 12 dex base:

    10 base
    10 +5 mithral
    4 dex
    6 +5 buckler
    3 bark skin pot
    3 sheild of faith pot
    1 haste
    2 aura with bulwark 1
    39 dependable standing ac

    I can get it much higher with things like blocking, bard songs, cleric recitation, and if I was near enough to a good ac where 1 or 2 points really matters, I could keep the 14 dex, add dodge feat, and add combat expertice with the 14 int from dropping the str to 14, and I could consider sheild of fatih and bark skin from a capped caster. Now all of that would add up to a 58, which is nice, but that's absolute best case senario and has too many strings attached.
    Last edited by RemoJr; 09-23-2008 at 07:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lawrence View Post
    Remember to have your kobolds spayed or neutered.

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