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  1. #21
    Community Member zoltan00's Avatar
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    of that I haver played against good bards before but I only know. Good bard in terms of PVP and he is Iolo
    Shake N' Bake

  2. #22
    Community Member zoltan00's Avatar
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    By the way paca if this is on ghallanda and u need a pally count me in
    Shake N' Bake

  3. #23
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    The fight is shceduled as a guild fun moment, none of us in Souls of the Night are really PvPers, so it will be mostly sillyness. Probably all gang up on Sotharee's bard. But, if at the scheduled time (10h15 pm eastern) the teams are not filled, you betcha we'll open a LFM.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    Paladins will aslo have heavy fort. Doesn't that stop puncturing?
    Also, the Sp is not infinit, nor are songs...

    (trying to hype teh fight a bit, my paladin teams is not complete!)
    heavy fort only stops the physical damage, does not stop the 'on-crit' effects

    in a pvp arena, which is also linked to the tavern, sp and songs are infinite
    If you want to know why...

  5. #25
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    mind fog + disco ball + greater shout = paladin ac & saves do not matter.

  6. #26
    Community Member Asirin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias27 View Post
    mind fog + disco ball + greater shout = paladin ac & saves do not matter.
    Probably not...But pounding on any paladin or any good melee for that matter only makes the lightning strike guard proc faster...go ahead and give it a wail...or better yet stick to greater shout the 40 times it takes to cast it to actually kill someone.
    Last edited by Asirin; 09-12-2008 at 09:42 PM. Reason: horribly bad grammar
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  7. #27
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    Definitely bards. Fascinate and surround, take the pallies out one at a time.
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  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Asirin View Post
    Probably not...But pounding on any any paladin or any good melee for that matter only makes the lightning strike guard proc faster...go ahead and give it a wail...or better yet stick to greater shout the 40 times it takes cast it to actually kill someone.
    For the proc to happen, there need to be a successful hit... then there is a 1% chance for it to proc.

    Besides, if I were a bard with high UMD going for this challenge, I'd bring some Enervation scrolls., #1 source for DDO information.

  9. #29
    Community Member KatanAztar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoltan00 View Post
    I think pallys would win just because a bards have no HP no ac just songs and spells if they facinate u fine just wait till the facinate runs out none of the bard spells are going to get through the high saves my pally has a 66 ac even if I were to roll a 1 on dance they would still have a hard time hitting me. If it's in the lobster ofcourse bards are favored but if in an arena it's an even match just gotta be smart pallys running around and pick on 1 bard at a time LOL I wish I was there!!!
    you realize bards get irr dance if they have enough bard levels right?

  10. #30
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    heavy fort only stops the physical damage, does not stop the 'on-crit' effects

    in a pvp arena, which is also linked to the tavern, sp and songs are infinite
    But so is LOH :-p
    Milacias of Kyber

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  11. #31
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    For the proc to happen, there need to be a successful hit... then there is a 1% chance for it to proc.

    Besides, if I were a bard with high UMD going for this challenge, I'd bring some Enervation scrolls.
    And that would be the advantage of bringing an SR item to this, bards can make good use of scrolls but scrolls don't beat SR well. Also that is what DW is for anyway.
    Milacias of Kyber

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  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by noinfo View Post
    And that would be the advantage of bringing an SR item to this, bards can make good use of scrolls but scrolls don't beat SR well. Also that is what DW is for anyway.
    SR?! SR?! Against... Enervation?!, #1 source for DDO information.

  13. #33
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    SR?! SR?! Against... Enervation?!
    Deeeeeeep breaths Borr. Deep breaths.
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  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Deeeeeeep breaths Borr. Deep breaths.
    I mean, what's next?! AC protecting your from Fireball?, #1 source for DDO information.

  15. #35
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    SR?! SR?! Against... Enervation?!
    Last I heard it wasn't a direct damage spell, and while not one I use a lot I would be sure SR would work against it. Anyone want to confirm?
    Milacias of Kyber

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  16. #36
    Community Member Inspire's Avatar
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    Paladin And Bards Both Have Dispell... Hehe... Both Classes Need Spells To Be Effective Or More Effective..

    Bards; Haste/Rage/Displace/Gh/Blur... Etc Etc

    Paladins; Resists/Deathward/Divine Favor/Prayer/Virtue... Etc Etc

    My Vote Is For The Bards Who Carry Irresistable Dance, But Dispell Will Be A Usefull Spell For Both Classes To Have... However Paladins Can Take It Freely, If A Bard Dosent Have It Mem'd Its Gonna Be Funny Watching Him With Just Songs For Buffs Attacking A Paladin And Trying To Hit His Ac.

  17. #37
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    I mean, what's next?! AC protecting your from Fireball?
    Gee let me see, SR= Spell Resistance so logically it provides, yep Resistance vs Spells. Now I know in DDO it does NOT protect against direct damage spells such as fireballs etc. But after your reply I just had to log my Wiz and check and you know what? Enervation, spell resistance YES.

    If enervation was being cast by a Wiz or Sorc than I would expect it to penetrate SR easy but off a scroll...
    Last edited by noinfo; 09-13-2008 at 01:06 AM. Reason: Readability (and probably still needs work)
    Milacias of Kyber

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  18. #38
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    I mean, what's next?! AC protecting your from Fireball?
    Hey don't let checking facts get in the way of an opportunity to over react dramatically.

    If I'm wrong about Enervation please show me where and I'll be happy to admit it. How about you?
    Milacias of Kyber

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  19. #39
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspire View Post
    ...If A Bard Dosent Have It Mem'd Its Gonna Be Funny Watching Him With Just Songs For Buffs Attacking A Paladin And Trying To Hit His Ac.
    Even if he doesn't have the spell, a bard will be able to use Greater Dispel Magic scrolls, which have a caster level of 11, while the regular version of Dispel Magic caps at caster level 10. The scrolls will work on a roll of 16 or better, while "Dispel Magic" will require a roll of 17-20 against a full bard's spells. My bard could actually spam both intermittently.

    As far as to-hit goes, a dancing paladin can't dispel anything, so fully buffed with divine power scrolls my spellsinger bard's normal attack progression is +41/+41/+46/+51/+51 (a strength-based warchanter will improve that by about +6 more). Anything less than or equal to a 55 AC will be hit pretty consistently. Plus I would think using wounding on a paladin will work rapidly - they have too many ability score uses for a really high CON, especially those AC builds.

    Of course if the bards get tired of fascinating and dancing the paladins, or holding them, they can just run around hasted full time using force missile wands and cometfall scrolls repeatedly to do about 30 points of damage a whack. 6 bards all hitting the same target would do about 180 points of damage, and they'd have about a 25% chance of knocking the paladin down. And a downed paladin will probably get hit for another 180 before he has a chance to get up and lay-on-hands.

  20. #40
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Even if he doesn't have the spell, a bard will be able to use Greater Dispel Magic scrolls, which have a caster level of 11, while the regular version of Dispel Magic caps at caster level 10. The scrolls will work on a roll of 16 or better, while "Dispel Magic" will require a roll of 17-20 against a full bard's spells. My bard could actually spam both intermittently.

    As far as to-hit goes, a dancing paladin can't dispel anything, so fully buffed with divine power scrolls my spellsinger bard's normal attack progression is +41/+41/+46/+51/+51 (a strength-based warchanter will improve that by about +6 more). Anything less than or equal to a 55 AC will be hit pretty consistently. Plus I would think using wounding on a paladin will work rapidly - they have too many ability score uses for a really high CON, especially those AC builds.

    Of course if the bards get tired of fascinating and dancing the paladins, or holding them, they can just run around hasted full time using force missile wands and cometfall scrolls repeatedly to do about 30 points of damage a whack. 6 bards all hitting the same target would do about 180 points of damage, and they'd have about a 25% chance of knocking the paladin down. And a downed paladin will probably get hit for another 180 before he has a chance to get up and lay-on-hands.
    And the biggest problem those pallys are going to face is the fascinate and dancing, maybe not so much the dancing balls but that irrisistable dance is going to be a big problem for them and dont know how they will get around it.

    A pally using wounders is going to be just as much of a problem for the bards, not all bards have high cons either. Restoration is a level 4 pally spell so unless they are killed outright quick, all those con points come back at once. Bards can always umd it I suppose.

    I could see this going either way. To me on paper the bards should win, irresistable dance plus versatility and fascinate coupled with UMDing everything in sight. Along with this the fact that player toons are not evil kills off one of the biggest dps advantages of the pally. However, I think if the bards miss time it just for a second it will be all over for them, a group of hasted Pallys with massive ac's bearing down on them and there will be dead bards all over the place.
    Milacias of Kyber

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