d) Smites, LOH, and tanking for the Paladin
1) Smites
As we know a smite takes the paladin cha as a bonus to-hit and adds paladin levels to damage. If a paladin has taken the divine righteousness enhancement line I described above the following would change about a paladins smite; The amount of damage dealt by a smite, for purposes of determining aggro, would be affected by a multiplier based on what tier of divine righteousness the paladin had taken. This in effect makes the act of a paladin smiting a creature that much more of a threat because the creature feels the power of the paladins deity behind the swing and would want to eliminate the paladin that much more. Regeneration of smites remains the same.
2) Lay On Hands
I propose that lay on hands be broken up into two forms; a) current form which is a single heal type shot and b) a 1-2 min DOT effect. The DOT LOH would be an enhancement that is gained at a high level and represents the paladins reward for remaining the holy warrior of their god/cause. So in effect the paladin that took this would then have two types of hot keys that would use up a LOH use, normal and DOT. The DOT would be a very effective tanking type LOH as a paladin could apply the LOH buff to himself or another player and essentially keep them topped off for hp for the length of the buff.
DPS and paladins are an interesting mix. For more consistent DPS you want a high starting str which means you will invariably end up with a lower CHA, ie no paladins start with max cha in DDO, or rather they are very few in number because they will be much less likely to hit anything.
a) Two existing attack lines
1) Divine Sacrifice
Currently costs you 10 hp and 1 sp to swing and provides extra damage and critical multiplier. Note: this does not have synergy with bodyfeeder. To have synergy with bodyfeeder this attack would have to increase the critical range of the weapon and as multipliers have little to do with the workings of bodyfeeder there is no more synergy here with it then any other attack, especially as bodyfeeder gives temporary hp and not a healing effect.
2) Exalted Smite
Provides 2x cha bonus to attack when using smites, additional damage multipliers, increased threat range, and quicker cool down on your smites.
3) Changes to each line
Each of the two lines provide no passive bonuses to the paladins that take them which means a paladin must click on individual icons to execute attacks rather then swinging naturally like other DPS classes. I propose that each of the two lines gain some passive benefits that focus on core paladin tenets.
Divine Sacrifice should give a +1 sacred bonus to hit and damage for each tier that is taken at the cost of -1 AC. The Paladin is better able to attack and damage hit foes but sacrifices some of his ability to defend himself in the process, religious zeal type of thing.
Exalted smite should do two things on a passive scale: i) allow a portion of the paladins cha bonus to passively apply to-hit based on the number of tiers they have taken ( 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, if there are 4 total tiers) and decrease the time required to regenerate new smites.
b) Bulwarks
Above I had recommended changing how bulwark of good worked so that it only applied its bonus to the paladin who invested the AP in the line rather then all people in the aura. In addition bulwark of good should be changed to bulwark of defense. Parallel to bulwark of defense should be Bulwark of zealous fury (taking one of these lines should lock you out from taking any from the other).
Bulwark of zealous fury allows a paladin to apply a portion of their cha bonus to their damage.
Final thoughts:
Obviously what I have proposed can't be fully integrated as stated otherwise paladins would likely become the new kings of DPS as powergamers would now be applying both str and cha to their to-hit and damage which could pass rangers, rogues, and barbarians. Some one would have to crunch the numbers for me, cause I'm lazy and bad at math.
I hope the devs and some of you will see things that applied correctly would allow paladins to correctly live up to their potential as a defensive or offensive melee.