So, my collection of repeaters is growing again, and, unfortunately, so is my frustration at building "the" repeater build I'm gonna be happy with. Basically as I see it, there are multiple options to take here.
Race I think gives three pretty good choices: Human allows for an extra feat, extra skill levels, Elf and Halfling both provide an extra 2 points of dexterity being available.
Class(es) also are available to debate. Ranger up through 10 gives 3 more points for dexterity, and ranger 11 is precise shot and improved precise shot, ranger 12 some final ap points, ranger in general giving up some free twf feats as well. Fighter is also right up there, up to fighter 12 providing the specializations and foci providing +3 to attack and +4 to damage rolls, 7 feats and unlocking further toughness enhancements. Monk, 2 levels provides two useful feats and the ability to use the wind stance for a +2 bonus to dex (like a stackable tome that is, I love monk stances). much dex is needed to really hit the bad guys enough end game? Which race do you think is better? Which class breakdown? F12m2ro2? Rr12f4? f12ro4? rr12m2ro2?
I do not have doubts of a well built repeater build being viable and successful end game. I've ran the vale as an observer and watched one solo, I've ran end game quests and raids with a repeater build, seen their use. I'm curious as to what makes the ideal repeater build ideal, and how to implement it for my own unique play style.