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Thread: cool!!! Vorpal

  1. #1
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default cool!!! Vorpal

    ok so one of my guildies (Yeah DWG) gave me a Vorpal Falchion and so what to build a character around using it. (My first one woot) Any suggestions?

    Vekneesh 12th level sorc

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Kotter View Post
    Any suggestions?
    Serious reply: Don't build a character around a vorpal, let alone a vorpal falchion. Build a character that can do DPS instead.

    Not serious reply: Build a fighter and take cleave/greatcleave/whirlwind so you can do AOE vorpaling.

  3. #3
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    A vorpal is a tool, not a class skill/ability.

    When you fighter is up against a vampire and his evil wight minions and finds the vampire regens to quickly to effectively DPS, a vorpal falchion is a great tool to have. You have a chance of killing 1 or more of your enemies at a time

    Its a tool, not always the best one for every job.

    Never build a character around a piece of equipment. When fighting 8 hobgoblins who have 500 hps each and hit for 25-30 pts a shot, you dont wanna sit around waiting for a 20 to kill them. Stunning blow one, trip another, move so you can use your two helpless opponents as a shield vs the rest, hitting them as you move. If you are counting only on the vorpal, it will let you down 90% of the time.

    That being said, I remember my 1st vorpal, I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

    Just remembe, like a jedi's lightsaber, it is a tool and in the hands of a masterit makes him even greater. In the hands of a novice, he is just as likely to kill himself as his enemies.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  4. #4
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    How about a THF WF barb? Of course, by the time you get to the level to use the vorpal, you might have DPS weapons you like better instead, but it's something to consider.

  5. #5


    Yeah... go WF Barbo with full PA ranks... with crazy rage to make up for the -11 PA will give you... but you get +22 damage... plus rage damage...and improved crit 2 so you can DPS with a vorpal better than other classes can with their mineral 2 pointy stick(s).
    Casual DDOaholic

  6. #6
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Don't worry about building around 1 item. We've got more to give you . Build a good THF and the vorpal will be nice to have. My personal favorite is Barbarian over Fighter, but I had to give up two levels to do it. I like the Cleave/G. Cleave/Whirlwind idea. If you build it with a fighter base, you can get THF/ITHF/GTHF as well. Now that would be some DPS.

    Don't believe me? Just ask Bonum, found out he used B-swords, and filled his mailbox. I am sure the same will happen when we find out you use Falchions!
    Last edited by Citymorg; 08-08-2008 at 06:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Kamboe's Avatar
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    In case you don't know about Vorpals, Its not on a crit that instakills them, its on a 20. If it was a crit, Vorp Falchion would be the pimp stick of DDO in the hand of a Raged Barb (13-20 Crit)

    P.S. - They Changed that in like Mod1, so you may already know...
    THE Hand of the Black Tower Member
    Kamboe ~ 16.9 Drow Sorc 35 Cha 2195 Sp [=+=] Inflict ~ 16.9 Dwarf Cleric 418 Hp 1535 Mana
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  8. #8
    Community Member LionSwift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamboe View Post
    In case you don't know about Vorpals, Its not on a crit that instakills them, its on a 20. If it was a crit, Vorp Falchion would be the pimp stick of DDO in the hand of a Raged Barb (13-20 Crit)

    P.S. - They Changed that in like Mod1, so you may already know...
    I remember that! I remember back when TS was kinda hard and 2 people had vorpals in a raid once and we did it in record time.. Then vorpals were changed.

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