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How about in the process of re-rolling a character (those that know me - know that I do this fairly frequently), forgetting to send the plat to another character before hitting the delete after logging out? Grrrr
Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene
I might have bought a rather expensive item without noticing it was RR (I don't have any umd characters). In fact, I might have done it more than once. Some of us are slow learners.
I can't tell you how happy I was when they introduced the highly visible graphics for things you can't use.
Darkrune TRx2 lvl 20 FvS, Darkdivinity lvl 20 cleric, Darkaxe lvl 20 fighter, Darktune TRx1 lvl 4bard, Darkbow lvl 20 AA Ranger, Darksoldier TRx1 lvl 20 Barb, Darkspells TRx2 lvl 20 Wizard, Darkbattle TRx1 lvl 20 artificer, Darktemper lvl 17 Ranger, Darkfists TRx1 lvl 20 Monk, Darkherald lvl 5 paladin Guild Leader of No Politics Thelanis Server
3 days ago I succesfully bid on a +4 Transmuting Dwarven Axe of Chaotic Outsider Bane for my dwarven tempest, thinking it'd be a very nice addition to use under the Marketplace. Then I got it and noticed it was WF only.
Well at least I don't remember how much I paid for it, and as it wasn't a buyout, I don't think it was that much.
Proud officer of The Militia
Proud member of Maelstrom
Haven't been playing much lately due to RL. Hopped in game on my midbie Cleric/Rogue/Fighter. Was the last run before I logged to go to bed and I was very tired - we were running Crucible on hard. Butterscotch has maxed rogue skills and is quite capable of taking care of the traps. Get to the first horn, I ran over and picked it up. Just as I hit U I remembered...we are on hard...and I have no fire resistance on - instant death. Dead silence for a moment, then I just died laughing.
So while alcohol makes you do n00bish things, so does being exhausted.![]()
Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis
While I have had many noob moments myself my fav is a guildie of mine. I am running my 12th lvl ranger in the vale with his sorc to hold my hand to the explorers. He says hey you want haste. Sure then he teleports to the portable hole while the mob is coming leaving me to get destroyed. He swapped his hotbars around and forgot he reassign haste to a new button.
I posted a +2 dwarven axe of disruption on the AH with 15k plat buy-out and bought it the next day on my cleric, thinking "That'd be nice for my new dorf tempest". Duh.
(I'm on Argo tho so I probably don't qualify for the contest, just sharin')
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
Phoenix Crusaders - Khyber
I was running VoN 3 with a PuG group and we got to the end battle vs the Marut. The three tanks form a shield block in the door way and the caster was going to take him out, while the Cleric healed. Unknown to at least me, one of the fighters, a warforge, had used his Steel Defender.
So the Rogue, pulls the Marut who stomps over and starts hitting the tanks, then along comes fido looking to help, who sprays Grease where the tanks/Marut are and our shiled wall, slowly slides off into the next room, while the Marut walks past us, killing the caster, cleric and rogue, before turning to finish the rest of us off as well.
As soon as I started sliding away, I couldn't stop laughing.
The good news is we were able to come back with minimal exp loss and get revenge, this time without any dogs.
Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf
thanks to whoever priced their smiting scimitar for 15k buyout today,
Last edited by juniorpfactors; 07-25-2008 at 02:54 PM.
You know he could have drug the Portable Hole icon to a hotbar location.. Standard procedure for me with Resists and Prots (even wands when usable)
Plus, there used to be a bug where you could put all the locations for Teleport on a hotbar, then swap the spell out - and since it was on a hotbar, it still worked even though you no longer knew the spell.. good times
As to my n00bilicious moments .. after nearly 3 years of playing this game, there are just too many to count![]()
going into <insert quest name here> on my trap monkey. Only to find at the second trap that I was out of tools. I send my +5's to my little guys to use or sell, I just sometimes forget that I've done it and end up running around with no tools.
Azag hasnt been on in a while, cause he has no tools![]()
<i keep forgetting to send him some...>
Edit - yeah, it HAS happened more than once. as another poster said, some people dont learn quickly.
Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
Notit of Khyber
I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.
Man, I would cut the guy some slack. He was polite and tried to brainstorm ideas for what might help when he couldn't directly fix your issue. And the guy even admitted it was confusion related to supporting multiple products and forgetting what features were in which ones.
I hope we never get to a point where simple human errors like that are not common... Because that would mean the humans got replaced by more things like automated phone systems... You know, the ones that never make mistakes because they are so limited that they can't really do anything for you to make a mistake on.
Sarlona - Nyr Dyv RaidersBloodbath, Smasher · Sonnkral, Finisher · Sentient, Caster
might be able to trump ya dark, the other day I posted a +2 con tome for 40k plat thinking it was a +1, needless to say I didnt relize my mistake untill I saw the money in my mail. Very Muppettish.
Officer of Maelstrom - Thelanis
Torilin ~ Razzputin ~ Portix ~ Unitus ~ Aikman ~ Marrionn ~ Pearrll Jam ~ Staubach ~ Diazapam ~ Lanndry