So i am close to getting my 32point build, and i have been playing around with some 28pt monks to get a feal for the class and a feel for what types of monks i like. I didnt realy like the high dex finess build, but did find a liking to the str/con build. I did tomes based on what i have from leveling my ranger up.

I couldnt realy get the equipment part to work, but i will have a +6 str drx con and wiz item for my monk and a GFL and ac+6 bracer ready for him as he gets higher.

i'm not fully sure about my feat and enhancements that i went with, i know i can change them if i dont like how they work out, but i was wondering what some of you other monks felt about this setup

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.96
DDO Character Planner Home Page

Level 16 Lawful Good Human Male
(16 Monk) 
Hit Points: 286
Spell Points: 0 
BAB: 12\12\17\22
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 13
Will: 14

                  Starting            Ending          
Abilities        Base Stats         Base Stats        
(32 Point)       (Level 1)          (Level 16)        
Strength             16                 21            
Dexterity            14                 16            
Constitution         15                 17            
Intelligence         10                 10            
Wisdom               14                 14            
Charisma              8                  8            

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 1
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 13

                  Starting            Ending          
                 Base Skills        Base Skills       
Skills           (Level 1)          (Level 16)        
Balance               6                 22            
Bluff                -1                 -1            
Concentration         7                 23            
Diplomacy            -1                 -1            
Disable Device        n/a               n/a           
Haggle               -1                 -1            
Heal                  2                  4            
Hide                  2                  3            
Intimidate           -1                 -1            
Jump                  7                 24            
Listen                2                  4            
Move Silently         2                  3            
Open Lock             n/a               n/a           
Perform              n/a               n/a            
Repair                0                  0            
Search                0                  0            
Spot                  6                 23            
Swim                  3                  5            
Tumble                6                 22            
Use Magic Device     n/a               n/a            

Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Diehard
Feat: (Human Bonus) Dodge
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Enhancement: Disciple of Breezes
Enhancement: Disciple of Pebbles
Enhancement: Disciple of Candles
Enhancement: Disciple of Puddles

Level 2 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Human Versatility I
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose I

Level 3 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
Enhancement: Fists of Light
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I

Level 4 (Monk)
Enhancement: Human Versatility II
Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I

Level 5 (Monk)
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose II

Level 6 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Mobility
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist

Level 7 (Monk)
Enhancement: Adept of Wind
Enhancement: Adept of Flame
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom II

Level 8 (Monk)
Enhancement: Adept of Rock
Enhancement: Adept of Rain

Level 9 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II

Level 10 (Monk)
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose III

Level 11 (Monk)
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom III

Level 12 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
Enhancement: Master of Bonfires

Level 13 (Monk)
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Wisdom II

Level 14 (Monk)
Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery II

Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose IV

Level 16 (Monk)
Enhancement: Restoring the Balance
Enhancement: Master of Thunder
Also i am thinking of dropping int back to 8 and making wis or dex up to 15 (i went 10int so i could leel up spot because i like having spot so i know when traps and such are comming since i dont know all the quests that well)

thanks for the input in advance.