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  1. #1
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Default Elven Armour for Clerics?

    Hi all

    Jumped in and helped a group in POP tonight, and although I didn't get much XP the leader was kinda enough to give me 18 Eleven relics.
    With the (very few) I've received from my own adventures I've now got more than 20.

    Looking at the collectables list I can turn 20 Elven relics in for some armour that's +3 MFP with Arcane lore , which I guess gives +6% for my spells to crit and adds .25 to the crit modifer.
    As this is better than my current armour (+1 Fearsome) , is this decent armour for a cleric (lvlv 11) or would I be better to just save them so the Elven relic portion Gianthold is done. Still going to be spending ages in GH as I need the drago and giant relics, just not sure if that +6% chance for a crit is worth it.

    Also curious as to what the armour looks like if anyone knows- (Honestly what it looks like will probably decide the issue for me- I'm so shallow)

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2


    elven are the hardest to get so I would keep them for the quest, dragon is the easiest generally
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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    Arko Highstar
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  3. #3
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    elven are the hardest to get so I would keep them for the quest, dragon is the easiest generally
    You think elven are the hardest? Man... I loot ran Crucible sooo much back in the day. Takes as long as pop, almost twice the number of chests...

    Every character I level up always has around 6-7 Crucible completions for the 20 minute hits for 20-30k xp.

    Just saying... Compared to having to run Trial by Fire and the Maze over and over for 1 a pop...

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    You think elven are the hardest? Man... I loot ran Crucible sooo much back in the day. Takes as long as pop, almost twice the number of chests...

    Every character I level up always has around 6-7 Crucible completions for the 20 minute hits for 20-30k xp.

    Just saying... Compared to having to run Trial by Fire and the Maze over and over for 1 a pop...
    we run madstone more often, and TBF loot runs so we get giant faster guess, crucible is just more of a pain than madstone these days
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  5. #5
    Founder & Hero
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    save them for when you get the other relics you need. Armor isnt that great and you can get better if you run tor enough. Blue dragon scale armor is what you want for your cleric

    Beware the Sleepeater

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