Hi all
Jumped in and helped a group in POP tonight, and although I didn't get much XP the leader was kinda enough to give me 18 Eleven relics.
With the (very few) I've received from my own adventures I've now got more than 20.
Looking at the collectables list I can turn 20 Elven relics in for some armour that's +3 MFP with Arcane lore , which I guess gives +6% for my spells to crit and adds .25 to the crit modifer.
As this is better than my current armour (+1 Fearsome) , is this decent armour for a cleric (lvlv 11) or would I be better to just save them so the Elven relic portion Gianthold is done. Still going to be spending ages in GH as I need the drago and giant relics, just not sure if that +6% chance for a crit is worth it.
Also curious as to what the armour looks like if anyone knows- (Honestly what it looks like will probably decide the issue for me- I'm so shallow)
Any thoughts?