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  1. #1
    Community Member Firecloud's Avatar
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    Default Flesh to stone or Disintegrate?

    Hey, I will be hitting lvl 12 with my drow Sorc. any suggestions on the lvl 12 spell selection? So far, I'm leaning towards disintegrate OR flesh to stone to insta-kill caster type baddies. a Maxed out distintegrate spell at 48d6 (+potency item) sounds pretty sweet!

    Firecloud - lvl 20 Sorceror / Johnnywayne - lvl 20 Paladin / Deathsarm - lvl 13 Monk / Reddblade - lvl 15 Favored Soul

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  2. #2
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Default Well

    Like level 2, 6 has so many tasty spells. I take Greater Hero (cause I will cast the spell on everyone, but not use 6 scrolls on party), then Mass Suggestion, then Flesh to Stone for those nasty casters.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  3. #3
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Default My favorite level 6 spell

    I would go with Flesh to Stone, as that's my spell of choice for dealing with beholders, and I hate beholders. I also find it's the best spell for holding monsters, and I have other options for dealing damage.

    I like Greater Heroism too, but if you take Flesh to Stone, you and a buddy can farm Xorian Cypher for the Planar Gird
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  4. #4
    Community Member reziel_deadshot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    I would go with Flesh to Stone, as that's my spell of choice for dealing with beholders, and I hate beholders. I also find it's the best spell for holding monsters, and I have other options for dealing damage.

    I like Greater Heroism too, but if you take Flesh to Stone, you and a buddy can farm Xorian Cypher for the Planar Gird
    id like to see them skeletons flesh to stoned
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  5. #5
    Community Member Firecloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varr View Post
    Like level 2, 6 has so many tasty spells. I take Greater Hero (cause I will cast the spell on everyone, but not use 6 scrolls on party), then Mass Suggestion, then Flesh to Stone for those nasty casters.
    GH as your first spell?? It's a nice spell but I say let the wizzy or bard cast GH. Sorceror's have so few spell slots that I prefer to stick with more offensive minded spells. I'm not saying youre wrong by any means, but it's a matter of playstyle. I prefer direct dmg or insta-kill spells (although I finally broke down and took stoneskin).

    Any thoughts on disintegrate? a single fortitude save or die if hp's are below zero. seems like that would work well on casters/beholders...
    Firecloud - lvl 20 Sorceror / Johnnywayne - lvl 20 Paladin / Deathsarm - lvl 13 Monk / Reddblade - lvl 15 Favored Soul

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  6. #6
    Community Member Desteria's Avatar
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    A stoned casters might as well be a dead caster and it;s a fingle fort save, also works on some stuff that very little else does, (giants in Tor).

    Distigrate is a Single fortsave or Massive DamageExcept due to the lack of an encment line for it it actuyl just does a littel more then a scorchign ray at level 12 ... the gap gets a bit wider at higher levels but it has a save that soem stuff will make some times and then it does lame damage.
    Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
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  7. #7
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Default Stoned Skeletons

    Quote Originally Posted by reziel deadshot View Post
    id like to see them skeletons flesh to stoned
    Ha! No, I use Firewall on the skeletons, and I use Flesh to Stone on the mortals so that I can 2-man the quest to get the green key. I know you can just invite more people to your party to have them stand on the pressure plates, but I just haven't had much luck with PUGs lately - I'd rather just run quests with my best friend.

    Actually, I'd like to see the skeletons turned to stone, too
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  8. #8
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    i would go with flesh to stone.

    other than golems, you have a lot of spells to kill most everything.

    Why flesh to stone?
    You are powerful enough now to kill a dungeon pretty well, or charm it, or cloudkill it.

    but, for gameplay it is fun for fighters and the like to enjoy it too. I would use the flesh to stone to take out casters and other crowd control to slow down mobs so the other part members can have fun.

    Yes, you could disintigrate that enemy caster...but the fighters will love you more if you just stone em and let them get crits.

    its all about fun for everyone once you get too powerful , that is the real challenge.
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  9. #9
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    FtS, hands down.

  10. #10
    Community Member Nevthial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard View Post
    its all about fun for everyone once you get too powerful , that is the real challenge.

    QFT , save that insta-kill stuff for emergencies.
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    Quote Originally Posted by tchurvul View Post
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  11. #11
    Community Member Line-dog's Avatar
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    Default FtS, no question.

    I went Flesh to Stone, then Disintegrate, then GH for UMD and the saves. If I had it to do all over again I would not change one thing. FtS has so many uses. And, yes, you will own casters (and mind flayers, and many things) with this. BTW, many people forget that it will affect about half the undead you run into. Also, even though I have FoD now I still prefer to stone beholders with Enlarge because if they save they don't aggro on you. When you're doing the Desert Caravan quest just make a rock garden to help you complete that quest. Stone the slaves in the Slavers of the Shrieking Mines quest because you're not allowed to kill the little annoying buggers.

    Love that spell.


  12. #12
    Community Member Firecloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard View Post
    its all about fun for everyone once you get too powerful , that is the real challenge.
    Excellent advice! I will have to remember this as I tend to get carried away when I have mana to burn... lol
    Firecloud - lvl 20 Sorceror / Johnnywayne - lvl 20 Paladin / Deathsarm - lvl 13 Monk / Reddblade - lvl 15 Favored Soul

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  13. #13
    Community Member Firecloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Line-dog View Post
    Also, even though I have FoD now I still prefer to stone beholders with Enlarge because if they save they don't aggro on you.
    hmmm.. no aggro eh? Well Sir, you just sold me on FTS!
    Firecloud - lvl 20 Sorceror / Johnnywayne - lvl 20 Paladin / Deathsarm - lvl 13 Monk / Reddblade - lvl 15 Favored Soul

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  14. #14
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Flesh to stone rules in Gianthold on all the quests. Very effective on casters, giants, and almost everything really.

  15. #15
    Community Member Original's Avatar
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    I took Flesh to Stone at 12... I just made lvl 13 and took distengrate. And you can lvl quick from 12 to 13.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    I would actually pick Disentegrate, because at lvl 12, it will be your only spells to damage mobs with a Mantel of invulnerability.
    Like the Wiz King. The ATDSR Lich. The last phase Demon Queen. Then there are all the blackbones skeltons on the Orchid. And the golems.

    Once you get 15+, the Bosses on the quest you will run will save on it, and it becomes a waste. At that point, swap it out for something better. Unless you run the abbott, it still hurts teh abbott.

  17. #17
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I had taken Disintegrate at one point, and later regretted it and swapped it out.

    Against non-boss foes, it is the same save type as Finger of Death - non-maximised it kills nothing, maximized it costs more SP than FoD but tends to not kill things anyway. (It does aggro them severely, so expect to take some damage unless you fire a second Disintegrate to kill them - that's 120SP compared to 40 for a finger when you get that spell).

    Against bosses, Oitluke's Freezeing Sphere averages more damage against most. Bosses failing saves against Disintegrate is very very rare past Mod 5. (Of course, you'll use Cone of Cold before Oitluke's, CoC is the better spell by far).

    My current level 6 spell selections:

    Reconstruct (note - I'm not WF, but having this spell gets me into raid parties that are looking for a healer and have WF tanks)
    Acid Fog (best level 6 spell)
    Symbol of Persuasion (exceptional crowd control - long cooldown, but that's OK - you aren't looking to amass massive armies, just to use the spell like parties with lots of tanks use Discoball - drop it at a choke point, pull mobs into it, haste your (newly recruited) friends and let them kill all the other monsters.
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  18. #18
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Okay, for me....

    When I can cast level 6 spells...If I have money, I do something like this....

    I buy scrolls of...
    GH- so the wimps don't whine and only if we really need it.
    Disintigrate - just for fun.
    Stone to flesh - to save party members that are stoned...well, not that type of stoned...
    Globe of invulnerbility - to help fight mind flayers and to charm/uncharm mobs within it.
    True seeing - no reason to not have these babies lying around.
    Summon monster 6 - for fun and aggro.

    Scrolls I still have some of - symbol of fear and persuasion

    Spells I like to use and find beneficial to the party...

    Flesh to stone - tremendous amount of help.
    Symbol of fear - tremendous way to run huge mobs into it to kill aggro.
    Mass suggestion - I do not use this anymore since I use charm monster/dominate person, but it was awesome at the time.
    Otilukes freezing - had fun with it for a while and is an ice fireball, nuff said.

    IF I could choose one it would be fear or FTS.

    A lot is said of end bosses...
    Yes, they are tough.
    Should your caster be specced to one shot the end boss, sure if you want to.
    A good crowd control wiz/sorc will bring the party to the end guy with a full mana bar for the clerics, full health for the fighters, and if he times it right a small charmed army to shield block while other spells blast them.

    Point is, if you party cannot handle the end boss as a party and need the caster to do the work, then the caster needs a different party.

    End guys for the most part can be destructed by our melees, then can also be cursed, then can also be crippled, slowbursted, weakened, enfeebled....and the caster can solid fog, acid fog, firewall, scorching ray, niacs, cone of cold, fireball, otilukes, etc.

    A few good shots from the melee and the end boss may barely be moving and the cleric can bb for the win.

    I would go flesh to stone and then fear. At your level almost anything you meet that you need disintigrate for can be taken out by things like a fighter with a smiter... just a waste of mana to disintigrate..

    Now, if you are soloing tempest, or two manning it with someone, you may want it for the golems if your strength guy does not have a smiter...that was the only time I really used it back in the day.

    Straight line spells can be dodged too, bummer.
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
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