This thread presents a location for items the community would like to see added to DDO. I will update as often as I can. I work from 2 to 10pm Mountain time. I am aiming for a sticky on this thread. Check out my other thread, The Community Spell List, here: Check out my other thread, The Community Item List, here: if you want to post some spell ideas.
Special Thx to Kistilan for the idea to put thread here and make it useful to developers with balancing.
A) Posting Item Rules. These will help keep the post organized and up to speed:
Item Name:
- Post your comments on as many items as you can before you post your ideas.
- New May 28: Light system removed.
1) Posting items. Each person may have up to 3 (This may decrese if many ppl start joining thread) items at once in the unbalanced list. If you post an item and you already have 5 items in the unbalanced list, then it will not be added to the templates, nobody should comment on it since it isnt in the balance comments template, and I will ask you to edit it out (You can do this without deleting if you dont want to copy paste by editing it and highlighting it in the same color as the text).- Keep your items within the LV 1 - 20 powerlevel.
- Do NOT use attributes or other specials people have created in this post unless you ask their permission in a private message and then give them credit in your item post.
- Do NOT reply to any posts that are inflammatory, negative, or do not contribute to the item idea thread in any way.
- Do NOT edit ur own items once you post them unless it is to fix spelling, punctuation, or such. This is because you might be editing while someone else is posting a quote that wont make sense if you edit. IF you want to propose a change for your item, then do it with a post reply and underline the changes.
- Do NOT post items that exist in DDO or pen and paper already. The developers can find these easy enough if they want. Lets aim for original material.
- Please copy and paste this item template*:
Item Type:
Found in:
Min LV:
Changed Basic Values:
DDO Attributes:
New Attributes:
Other specials:
Flavor: " ."
*Item Template Explained:
Item Name: Name your item here. Try to incorporate something in the name into what it does.
Item Type: List the plus factor after the type if available, ex Longsword +2. The types of items are as follows: Trinket, Gloves, Boots/Greaves, Belt, Helm/Hat/Circlet/Cowl/Crown/Band/Cap, Necklace, Cloak/Cape/Hide/Mantle, Weapon (Say which, ex. Rapier), Armor (Say which, ex. Full Plate), Ring
Found in: This is where the item can be looted.
Min LV: This is the minimum level required to use the item.
Changed Basic Values: This is to list increased base damage, better crit multiplyers, and so forth.
DDO Attributes: This is to list of attributes in DDO already. Ex. Holy, Mithral, Good.
New Attributes: This is where you list your new attributes. Use a italics designation word then a - and what it does. Ex from the Metamagic Band = Metamagic Reflexes - For each metamagic feat you have active, you gain 1 dodge bonus to AC.
Other specials: This is where you list anything else the item does that cannot be put in any other category.
Clicky(s): This is where you list spells the item can cast per rest. Be sure to include the caster level and number of uses per rest. Ex. LV 5 Haste 3x.
Flavor: " ." This is where you list any flavor for the item like history or looks or whatnot in italics. You can attribute the flavor to a source if you like. Ex. "The wielder of this sword will have nightmares until every undead creature within 10000 miles is destroyed. It is ironic that it is a task only an undead could complete." - The Book of Lost Artifacts, Chapter 17 Swords
Author: This is where you put your forum name. This makes it less work for me to copy paste the item right to the balance list when it is done.
B) Community Balancing. We as a community will need to balance each item posted. Please keep in mind the following for posting comments:
- Does this item exist already in the game and hence the item is redundant
- Does the item make sense? (ex: A vorpal longbow with slicing blow or a Holy Bastard Sword only usable by non-good would not make sense.)
- Is the item overpowered? If so, then why?
- Is the item underpowered? If so, then why?
- Is the MIN LV the author posted about right? IF not, then what is the min LV that should be required on this item?
- Is the found in chest LV about right? If not, then what level of chest would one find this item? Should this item be raid loot? Crafted only?
- Your other thoughts on the item. Did you like the item idea? Dislike? If disliked, can it be fixed? Should item should be scrapped?
C) The Final Balanced Community Item List.
*Verdict terms explained:
- Items now have balance scores kept track by me. Each verdict* vote changes the balance score as follows: Balanced +0, Overpowered +1, and Underpowered: -1. An incomplete verdict is special. One incomplete verdict will not prevent an item from being put on the balance list but more than 1 will. You will need to repost and clarify your original if your item has more than one incomplete verdict. If you give someone an incomplete verdict, then make sure to explain why.
- Note that each occurance of 1 underpowered verdict and 1 overpowered verdict = 1 balanced verdict.
- Balance score needed to be considered for the final list scales as follows: -1,0, or +1 with at least 4 balanced verdicts, -2,0, or +2 with at least 8 balanced verdicts, -3,0, or +3 with at least 12 balanced verdicts, ect according to pattern. This system allows items that have many underpowered or overpowered verdicts but an overwhelming number of balanced verdicts to get it or even an item with 4 overpowered and 4 underpowered verdicts.
- Once an item reaches the required balance score, It will get a each day with required to get in. This period of time is a chance for everyone to make a verdict if they have not, review their verdict, or provide some extra comment.
- I am not the be all and end all in the balance field. My verdict only counts as 1 just like yours.
Balanced: Everything is working here. Min LV, found in and the item's powerlevel are all balanced.
Overpowered: An item can be overpowered for several reasons. Reasons I can think of are as follows:
1) The item is usable too soon (Min LV is too low).
2) The item is too powerful and needs toning down
3) The item is too easily obtained for its powerlevel. (An item that could be fixed if it was harder to get in the found in category.)
Underpowered: An item can be underpowered for several reasons. Reasons I can think of are as follows:
1) The item is usable too late (Min LV is too high).
2) The item is too weak and needs a boost.
3) The item is too hard to obtain for its powerlevel. (An item that could be fixed if it was easier to get in the found in category.)
Incomplete: The item is not clear or has missing information. Missing caster level on spells or missing numbers for DCs for example.
NEW MAY 28: Be sure to explain why you gave an incomplete verdict and are you sure overpowered or underpowered is not better?
Total number of items balanced by community: 14
Item Name: General’s Don
Item Type: +5 Full Plate
Found in: LV 12-16 extrememly rare warded endchest
Min LV: 12
Changed Basic Values: -
DDO Attributes: Everbright, Adamantine
New Attributes: -
Born to lead - Whenever the leader of a party leaves, you gain the leader star. If someone else in the party is also wearing the General's Don, then the character with the highest CHA gets the star. If this is also a tie, then the highest level character between them gets the star. IF this is also a tie, then the winner of the star is determined at random.
Boon of leadership - While you are the leader of a 4 person or more party, you gain +6 CHA, Greater Heroism, and Greater Command (+4 to CHA skills, -10 hide).
Burden of leadership - Whenever you lose the star by promoting someone in a quest (You can promote out of a quest and not lose confidence), you lose confidence giving you a -1 confidence penalty to saves, skill checks, weapons attacks and weapon damage. You must complete a quest that gives you XP with the star to clear a confidence penalty.
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: "Most leaders are trained, some are gifted, and a few are born to lead but all these would take commands from the temporarily general suited in this armor."
Author: Yagmoth
Item Name: Tyrant's Bane
Item Type: +2 bastard sword
Found in: Uncommon drop in an optional chest of a level 16+ quest (tough optional - think Ghosts of Perdition). Drop rate ~5%
MIN LV: 16
Changed basic values: Increased base damage (1d12)
DDO Attributes: Holy, Evil Outsider Bane, Lawful Outsider Bane, Silver
New Attributes: -
Other Specials: The two 'bane' effects stack - in other words against lawful, non-evil outsiders or evil, non-lawful outsiders this weapon deals an extra 2d6 damage and has an effective enhancement bonus of +4. Against lawful evil outsiders, it deals an extra 4d6 damage and has an effective enhancement bonus of +6)
Clicky(s): LV 16 Banishment 3x (caster level 16, DC 40, remember Banishment has an unusual save mechanic - this is the same as a 16th level Cleric with 26 wisdom and no relevant feats)
Flavor: "The paladin Argental crafted this sentient weapon to slay the pit fiend Kurgadamar. Long after the paladin's death, the weapon retained its searing hatred of oppressive evil."
Author: sirgog
Item Name: Talisman of the Sentinel
Item Type: Trinket
Found in: LV 6-12 quests
Min LV: 7
DDO Attributes: Adds a +2 natural armor bonus to your AC, cloth for hardness, level 8 robes for durability
New Attributes: -
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): LV 5 Blur 1x
Flavor: "This item is given to people who have performed a great service to House Denieth."
Author: Daslurch
Item Name: Sidearm
Item Type: +1 Dagger
Found in: Low level chests
Min LV: 2
Changed Basic Values: -
DDO Attributes: -
New Attributes: -
Other specials: Grants Two Weapon Fighting feat
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: -
Author: Spectralist
Item Name: Nosering of the Brute
Item Type: Trinket
Found in: level 5-11 quests
Min LV: 5
DDO Attributes: Adds a stackable +1 to all damage rolls, Steel for hardness, lev 7 jewlery for durability
New Attributes:
Other specials:
Clicky(s): 1x /rest Bull's Strength at a lev 5 caster level
Flavor: "This was given to the most ferocious of the Tharashk Arena pit fighters."
Author: Daslurch
Item Name: Brooch of Spell Warding
Item Type: Trinket
Found in: level 3-10 quests
Min LV: 3
DDO Attributes: Grants the wearer SR 13, silver for hardness, level 5 jewlery for durability
New Attributes: -
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: "This item emits a soft glow that seems to ward off magic."
Author: Daslurch
Item Name: Sturdy Wizardly Shaft
Item Type: Ingredient
Found in: End reward list
Min LV: 10
Changed Basic Values: -
DDO Attributes: -
Your Attributes: -
Other specials: Use in the Altar of Crafting with 2 Scepters to create a Wizardly staff (2h) that will sport the magical attributes of the 2 scepters. Min level is the same as the highest level of the 2 scepters. It also gain the vicious attribute, lose magical attack bonus (+0)and gain concentration +10. The final staff binds.
Flavor: -
Venar says about his item: "Always annoyed me that casters in DDO dual wield silly weapons. I want wizards with staves! This would allows to transform 2 scepters into 1 staff. The vicious and lost of attack bonus is to avoid that people build insane melee staves. The concentration is there to make the staff better then the 2 scepters, since it loses swaping versatility."
Author: Venar
Item Name: Wheat Thrasher Champion's Blade
Item Type: +1 Sickle
Found in: Cerulean hills orc chests
Min LV: 2
Changed Basic Values:
DDO Attributes: Keen
New Attributes: -
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): LV 5 Haste 3x (Self only...I had left this off before and I am sure this is why it got the only overpowered verdict it got. I will remove this note later.)
Flavor: "There is a small village just outside of Stormreach that held a wheat cutting contest every fall. For many years the Glendal Hammertoe was the champion beating every other contest by many many minutes. He was lost in an orc raid. Many say his victories were due to this blade."
Author: RavenStormclaw
Item Name: Dreamstalker Boots
Item Type: Boots
Found in: Drops randomly in quests either located in or contiguous with the plane of Dal Quor (ie. VoN 2, Dal Quor room in PoP, Twilight Forge, etc.)
Min LV: 12
Changed Basic Values: -
DDO Attributes: -
New Attributes: Dreamstalking - Allows character to avoid many unusual means of detection such as tremorsense or echolocation. Creatures with such abilities, like spiders, oozes and bats, must now make spot and listen checks to locate a character that is dreamstalking.
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: "These strange boots are woven of a material native to the plane of Dal Quor. The strange boots channel a magic that dampens energy generated by your steps. It feels as though you are walking on air as the force of impact from walking is channeled into another plane of existence."
Author: Ghoste
Item Name: Drinker
Item Type: +5 Dagger
Found in: Very rare drop in Giant hold rare encounter chests
Min LV: 14
Changed Basic Values:
DDO Attributes: Viscious, Lifestealing
New Attributes: Resurrection/One Charge - A critical hit that results in the death of the victim or if the wielder is a rogue using way of the assasin II and successfully kills their victim, then this weapon will feast on the victims soul drinking their lifeforce into the hilt of this weapon. If at anytime the wielder of this weapon is killed while wielding it (actually has to be in your hand) after 60 seconds of death this weapon will pour the stolen lifeforce into them acting as a true ressurection spell. This weapon can only hold one charge.
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: "It is said that the great assasin, Keldar the Dark, sold his soul to an arch-devil for this blade. It is known that he allowed several copies to be made. With this blade in hand Keldar was said to be immortal (at least he appeared that way left for dead many times but always reappearing). Keldar; however, met his match perishing somewhere in the ruins of Gianthold while trying to assasinate some minor gnoll or hobgoblin chieftan."
Author: RavenStormclaw
Item Name: Glowing _____ Ioun Stone
Item Type: Trinket
Found in: level 11-16 quests
Min LV: 13
DDO Attributes: Adds a +4 to ___ stat, Gem for hardness, level 13 jewlery for durability
New Attributes: -
Other specials: -
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: "When holding this Glowing Stone you feel as if you are ____ (quicker, stronger, smarter, etc...)."
Author: Daslurch
Item Name: Cloak of Retribution
Item Type: Cloak
Found in: Very rare drop in vale end chests
Min LV: 14
Changed Basic Values:
DDO Attributes: DR 5 (all and stackable)
New Attributes: -
Other specials: Mithral thread for durability. The unusal properties of mithral fiber and the enchantments allow the energy of the hits taken by this cloak to be reflected back upon the creature doing damage. The damage reduced by this cloak (5) is reflected back per visicious mechanic. With every hit this cloak takes there is a 5% chance that some of the energy stored withing the mithral fibers is released in a kinetic dishcarge causing 3d8 damage to any creature within a 5foot radius of the wearer.
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: "The archmage Telendor contracted a group of dwarven artisans and smith to refine the technique of creating mithral thread. When they did he slaughtered them all so only he knew the techniques. One day his son was going to be involved in a duel to the death over a girl so Telendor created this cloak to help him win. He was latered contracted by some very nefarious organizations to create more of these cloaks for their spies and assasins. A group of Paladins learned of this and sacked the mages tower and killed Telendor and his son but not before several of these cloaks had been created and delivered."
Author: RavenStormclaw
Item Name: Fighter's Handbook
Item Type: Trinket
Found in: Any chest that would produced treasure of the ML required; very very rare drop
Min LV: 14
Changed Basic Values: -
DDO Attributes: Seeker +6; special
New Attributes: -
Other specials: This book is only usuable by full BAB classes; besides the permanent seeker effect, each book has a random assortment of fighter class feats inscribed into it ie cleave, improved trip, improved twf etc. While equipped into the trinket slot the possesor of this book may select one of the inscribed feats and have them active just as if they learned the feats during level up. Only one such feat may be active at a time and when another is selected they loose the use of the previous feat until it is reslected. The magical nature by which this books grants the use of a feat you do not know does not allow you to activate a feat and then qualify for another more advanced version during level up. This is because your knowledge of said feat is magical and not inherent and if the book were every destroyed while in your possession or you chose another feat from the books lists you would loose all knowledge and ability to use the previously selected feat. (I apologize for missing this update earlier Raven - Yag.)
Clicky(s): -
Flavor: " These books were written in ages past and have within them the near accumulated knowledge of a long dead warrior race. While each book may vary on the tatics inscribed within them they all had detailed knowledge of the vital areas of nearly every creature in the known planes thus allowing their fighters to easily score critical hits. Since their creation they have passed through many hands. Some of the most noblest Paladins, bravest barbarians, ruthless tyrants, and mass murderers in history of be said to have had one of theses books in their possesion. It is not sure whether the magic of allowing one to learn and use a feat while holding this book was imbued at creation or if the combined years of exposure to the magic and might of the greatest warriors, for good or evil, caused this effect but it is undisputed that it is there.."
Author: Ravenstormclaw
Item Name: Soulsinger (Attempt 6)
Item Type: +3 Longsword
Found in: Raidchests (Very Rare Random Drop)
Min LV: 14, and 17 ranks in Perform
Changed Basic Values: -
DDO Attributes: Exclusive, you may be under the effect of only one Soulsinger at a time
New Attributes:
Harmonic Death - A natural 20 that is confirmed as a critical hit sets ups such an harmonic resosnance as to sever a creatures soul from its body essentially killing it. There is a fortitide save of a dc skill in perform/2 of the wielder of Soulsinger
Astral Damage - Soulsinger amplies the hum of a master bard and sends the energy into a subsonic range that stretches into the astral plane effecting a creatures soul (any thing without a soul would be immune such as constructs and slimes). The harmonics are tuned to cause agony to creatures of evil. Thus each hit with Soulsinger does 2d8 astral damage. A critical hit by soulsinger deals perform skill/3 extra damage in addition to the 2d8 regular damage
Other specials: Soulsinger harmonic properties when activated by a master bard are powerfull and unique. ML of 10 bard and 13 ranks in perform skill.
Clicky(s): Touch of Soulsinger 1x/rest: The bard wielding Soulsinger may once per day use the harmonic properties to amplify one of their songs essentially doubleing its effect however, the power of Soulsinger is short lived and such a songs length is quartered.
Flavor: " The great Bard Elindrel of the Marshes sung his lifeforce into this sword as he lay on his deathbed. So great was his hatred of evil that it was transfered to the sword with devestating effect. Only the greatest of his pupils could wield Soulsinger. An interesting property was discovered afters its creation. The bard wielding Soulsinger can use it to amplify the effect of his next song however the power of Soulsinger is shortlasting and these songs seems to be much shorter then usual."
Author: RavenStormclaw
Thank you for your support, ideas, criticisms, patience with me, and passion for DDO! It would not be possible without you. I loves you all -MCsquishy (Bard 13, Sorc 1 my highest character)