Have a stable of toons on Khyber, but have been wanting to roll a untweeked new toon to get a fresh feel for the game again. So last night rolled up a 28 pt halfling on Thelanis. To add to the challenge Im going 14/2 Wizard/Rogue with a stat line of Str 10 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 18 Wis 8 Cha 10. Taking feats of 1. Insightful Reflex 2. Extend 3. Least dragon mark healing 6. Max and Lesser dragon mark healing 9. Greater dragon mark healing 12. Empower and Enlarge 15. Spell pene 1 (Rogue levels at 1 and 9.) At 2/1 as of this morning and looking forward to playing with many of you on the server.