Updated: Thanks alot for the help, have mainly everything i need just missing the most important thing i wanted heh...
Wants: w/p ss/rapier/dagger ...honestly desperate here willing to trade most-all the list for a rapier and a fair amount for a ss/dagger
Finger Necklace<--new
+2 vorpal longsword of enfeebling
+1 vorpal bastard sword of tendon slice
+1 vorpal d. axe of righteousness
Res ring
beholder optic nerves
ice cloak (ice shield clickie 3 clicks (exclusive))
spiked boots
+6 con belt of light fortifcation (rr halfling umd 20)
+1 weakening of enfeebling short sword
wounding of puncturing light crossbow
+1 banishing quaterstaff of shattermantle
+6 strength belt
+3 spell pen 7 (2-3)
300k pp