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  1. #1
    Founder Wraith's Avatar
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    Default Anyone know what Divine Healing does?

    Ok, I threw you a curveball...

    Why don't people understand the divine heal? Out of combat I rely on them to keep my mana high and keep the party healed. However, as soon as the first small heal in the heal over time hits, the player whips out a wand and zing zing zing healed to full.

    Now I don't mind if you heal yourself, but don't invalidate my DH and then tell people I wasn't healing you. The weakest version of this enhancement can heal 15-45 hp. this is WAY better than a cure light, cure moderate, and compares favorably with a cure serious and you can get it much earlier.

    Is it because we are expected to be mana batteries? Sorry but after I went into Deleran's with a wiz that was gushing about his leet new spell and proceeded to mana dump in the first corridor on trash mobs and then turn to me and say "got any DVs?"... I don't worry so much about DVs. My cleric is a heal/buff bot. I make sure my party stays alive and is protected. YOU watch your mana.

    (btw, my answer to the leet spell slinging wiz looking for a mana battery?... "nope, I use them for healing.")

  2. #2
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Can the cleric benefit from divine healing on himself? (I havent created a cleric yet high enough to have that, sorry I don't know)

    If it does, that is a nice ability!

    In defense of melee types (which i do play) I usually take a moment to wand whip myself after a battle, but at the fast pace some aventures go, the duration of divine healing can't keep up.

    I'm talking about those adventure that are combat intensive, like SC, Threnal, Von 3, or the Devil Assault. when the party can slow the pace down to allow divine healing to work, I will enjoy letting it work, but sometimes the pace of the adventure (either adventure or other player driven) causes us to hate to wait 5 seconds per tick of healing.

    I do agree with you that it has to be frustrating, and I would be mad too.
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  3. #3
    Community Member RACRGUY's Avatar
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    DV?, DH? What are these, and why would a cleric want them?

  4. #4
    Founder Wraith's Avatar
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    No, it's like other enhancements like DV and DC. We can only use it on others.

    And I know melees will heal themselves if they can. I appreciate that and know that it gives me more mana for combat heals.

    It's just the ones that wait for me to heal them, see the first couple of points in the HoT and figure I slapped a cure light on them and then get mad and break out the wand.

    By the time we get to the next fight the DH will have you at full.

    It's also great in combat for supplemental healing when you see the red dropping fast it slows it down and gives you more time to heal thread the critical and serious' back and forth.

    I just wish more people understood what it does.

  5. #5
    Founder Wraith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RACRGUY View Post
    DV?, DH? What are these, and why would a cleric want them?
    I know you are pulling my leg, but for those in the not-know...

    DH = Divine Heal, it uses a turn undead charge but heals a party member for a number of d3s every 2 seconds for 30 seconds.

    DV = Divine Vitality, it uses a turn undead charge but raises a party members mana by a number of d4s + n10 points.

    DC = Divine Cleansing, it uses a turn undead charge but give a large bonus to FORT saves and cleans the party member of poison, disease, and all kinds of thing from feeblemind to exhaustion at higher versions.

  6. #6
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    My BC carries DH and not DV's, why? I had a 6 starting CHA and while 3 DV's wont do much appreciably 3 DH's will help me out and keep those equalizer bar like health bars from zipping down quite so fast.
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  7. #7
    2016 DDO Players Council Theadora's Avatar
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    If I am in a party and I am going to use DH, I will let them know. That way no one wastes charges of a wand or pots. But I have seen people do that even in our regular group. A simple "hey there....he's got DH on him. Wait until it ends." usually helps.

    Communication is the key sometimes. People seem to not notice that they are glowing each tic of the counter
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  8. #8
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    It's not that they don't know what DH is. They just can't wrap their beans around the concept of slow healing over time. It just doesn't fit in the limited vocabulary of:

    Owie. Ogre hit hard. Need heal. Now. Red bar full. Good.

  9. #9
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    I concur, everyone wants full heal right now. But the Divine Heals also have a huge pluses:

    1. Range - Divine Heals have superior range, farther than any other heal spell
    2. Cast through Barriers: Diving Heals can be cast to members on other side of Gates and Barriers. That alone has saved many a adventurers. (This is the same for any Divine Enhancements).

    I went with the Divine Cleansing, used it a couple of times to remove poison effects, had party ask what spell that was. I was like, yeah right, not falling for that one. But they honestly didn't know, and when I also mentioned take a look at their Fortitude save, it was like the lightbulb that went on.

    I built my Cleric with DH, DV, DC and redid it once to go with DL. I have to tell you, a Good Turn against Undead, hit the area with a Divine Light, followed up with a cure serious Mass or Cure Critical, is devasting to undead mobs. I love doing Delera's, especially that chest area that spawns all the ghost skeletons, talk about uber destruction, if, of course, you're specced for that type of battle.

  10. #10
    Community Member Club'in's Avatar
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    I think people start wand whipping when it hits because it "dings" with each tiny uptick, which is annoying. They should remove the sound effect for devine healing. You can already see that it's working, what with the little green numbers popping over your head.

  11. #11
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Problem is...posting in the Cleric forum is like preaching to the choir so to speak....

    Carry them and carry them well. At the higher levels (DHIII, etc) I find people are not so quick to ignore them. Getting back basically 3 HP/sec for 30 Seconds, is a noticeable amount of healing, when used appropriately. I used to drop one on the guys pulling Fire and Ice to give them a little more margin for error. Have saved a few toons in rooms in PotP when I ended up with door duty (back when rez shrines did not reset). Can have good fun with Undead Spamming DLIII's, Mass CSW, etc. Too Bad things like Radience does not bump the DL damage like it would Searing Light, that would be vedy nice.
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  12. #12
    Founder Wraith's Avatar
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    I must say this is very helpful. I returned for the veteran's week and realized I was dumb for ever leaving DDO in the first place so the DH, DC, and DLs were new to me. All we had before was DV. I had a free respec waiting when I came back and when I saw the DH and did the math I thought this is pretty nice.

    After I started using it and had the problems listed above, including some people saying I wasn't healing them and they had to resort to wands when a DH was already on them, I thought the DH was just not used, that we were still mana batteries even though all these new divine X abilities came out.

    Now that I see it was not just me and other clerics both use them, and face players that don't understand them helps me to feel more confident in them.

    I have started to communicate the DH is active, and I have noticed as I have levelled up into the teens players understand them better and are far more appreciative of them. I have rank two in all of the divine types; heal, vitality, cleansing, and light.

    cinoaz, two more things you can add to your list is the DH has no cast time making them instant, and you can use it at full run speed allowing you to heal on the move.

    and Club'in, I think removing the repeating sound would be a good idea and replace it with one sound that happens as it is applied (where there is no sound currently)

  13. #13
    Founder LawfulGood's Avatar
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    Let's not forget that the Divine Healing effect doesn't get penalized when used on Warforged. It's a nice way to keep them topped off while saving your regular healing spells on fleshies.
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  14. #14
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Charisma is over rated for a cleric.

    That is all.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Charisma is over rated for a cleric.

    That is all.
    Well, we can see that Charisma is overrated for Cowdenicus. Clerics on the other hand have some nice options with high CHA. (not that I'd ever play a porta-shrine DV cleric.)

  16. #16
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Well, we can see that Charisma is overrated for Cowdenicus. Clerics on the other hand have some nice options with high CHA. (not that I'd ever play a porta-shrine DV cleric.)
    Well You know, my first character (Vanash) is a 28 point generalist cleric build, he has a 32 wis, a 20 cha, a 20 str and 18 con, a 17 int and a 12 dex. He is a generalist and that worked for me while learning the game, heck it must have worked cause Van is just short of 2400 favor.

    All I am saying is my new Cleric Nuking has an 8 charisma, and I think he is alot more powerful then Vanash. He melees better, heals 95% as effectively, he can nuke like there is no tomorrow, and he has 8 more AP to spend on things much more useful than DV's and turning. Now if we could just get improved metamagics in for clerics life would be grand.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    First time I used DC on a party member was the first time I had ever seen the graphic. I was so surprised. On my sorc I always carry all the disease, fear, blindness, and so on such pots, disease wands, and poison clickies and I'm always hearing party members begging for cures of one kind or another, which I don't understand. Why doesn't everybody carry this stuff?

    I like to use DH on the front line just before a major fight because it noticeably makes keeping their HP up easier, at least so far on lower levels.

    DVs can make a big difference in the groups success. Sorcs and Wizards don't neccessarily run out of SP because they are wasteful. I have a Sorc and if I am blowing thru SP it is because the melee are not putting a dent in the mobs HP, are taking big hits in their own HP, and I'm trying to save a party wipe and/or the clerics SP. So, yes, I carry DVs for the other casters because I can and they have little viable alternative. A caster without SP is a party one person short.

  18. #18
    Founder Wraith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Charisma is over rated for a cleric.

    That is all.
    Your point is moot in this thread. I didn't put any points in CHA and it's only a 10 now. I still get tremendous usage out of the divine enhancement series.

    So, it makes me wonder why you posted that here, unless you completely missed the point.

  19. #19
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
    Your point is moot in this thread. I didn't put any points in CHA and it's only a 10 now. I still get tremendous usage out of the divine enhancement series.

    So, it makes me wonder why you posted that here, unless you completely missed the point.
    Wait wait. If cowdenicus's point is moot, how can he have missed it in the first place? Or are you saying he missed the point because it was moot? I'm confused. This whole cleric thing is pretty difficult eh?
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  20. #20
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
    Your point is moot in this thread. I didn't put any points in CHA and it's only a 10 now. I still get tremendous usage out of the divine enhancement series.

    So, it makes me wonder why you posted that here, unless you completely missed the point.
    No, my point is it is alot more effective to use your build points and enhancement points elsewhere then any of the Divine lines. (healing, Vitality, Light etc. etc.)
    Clerics of Fernia
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