For those of you familiar with the Games Workshop universes of Warhammer and Warhammer 40k you'll hopefully be able to understand this. For those not- basically the character is a cross between Van Helsing and a Spanish Inquisitor. The basic premise to make a character that is able to fight evil using every resource available. He/ she should be especially good at fighting casters, undead and demons. I like to think of the build as something of a batman variant, though with less tanking potential... The character was originally a human male, but as I don't have 32 point builds I decided to go for more of a "zombie hunter movie chick" feel to the character making a female Drow while still building the character in the same way.
My main dilemna is after picking up Tempest and Way of the Assassin along with 3 levels of Paladin (fear resist seems essential for the theme) I'm not sure where to from there. My two main ideas for level 20 are:
- 10 Rog/ 6 Rng/ 4 Pal for Turn Undead, basic Paladin spells, Imp Uncanny Dodge and the special Rogue ability at level 10
- 11 Rng/ 6 Rog/ 3 Pal for GTWF (without a feat), 3rd level Ranger spells and slightly better BAB
Knowing what to do at 20 is important in order to decide what to do at 16. It'll either be 4 Pal or 7 Rng and it'll basically lock me in to a particular path.