I'm a level 7 human paladin. sword and board type, focusing mostly on str and cha.
With only a 13 base wisdom is it worth it for me to advance all the way with paladin or should i dip 2-4 into fighter for the tower shield and weapon specialization?
I'm a level 7 human paladin. sword and board type, focusing mostly on str and cha.
With only a 13 base wisdom is it worth it for me to advance all the way with paladin or should i dip 2-4 into fighter for the tower shield and weapon specialization?
All depends on how you want to go with your spells and enhancements for Paladin. You could always stay pure classed and use a character point to raise your wisdom to 14. If you don't care about the spells or higher level enhancements, splash a few levels of fighter for the feats and such.
Honestly, unless things change drasticly in the future you really are not loosing very much by dipping into fighter, actually I would say you are gaining much more than you would loose.
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Having a 13 base Wisdom will not hurt you in any way, as your Wisdom with items and tomes counts towards your SP and casting.
Meaning with a +1 Wisdom item you could cast level 4 Paladin spells. This is as high as Paladin spells go.
Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.
Your Wisdom does not dictate at all how you should build your Paladin.
Wisdom is only important to the Paladin for his Will Saves (unless you take Force of Personality, which really is overkill in most cases), and his Spell Casting/Spell Points. 14 Wisdom is all you ever need, as Paladins only get Level 4 Spells, and you can reach that with a +1 Wisdom item... so no worries there.
There have been many discussion about the value of proceeding beyond Paladin 11, and while there are some who disagree, I would say that the general consensus is that Paladin 11 is a good place to consider Multi-Classing. Paladins MC well into Fighter for more DPS and AC options, Sorcs for SP, Rogue for UMD & Evasion... so there are many choices. A lot of it depends on the rest of your build, and the focus for your Paladin... give us some more info on stats (naked) and Feats, and what you want to do with your Paladin, and we can give more directed feedback.
Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
Now Living on Orien
you wanted more info so here goes.
My two highest stats are strength and charisma. The enhancements ive taken are extra lay on hands, paladin attack bonus, ac aura, and saves aura.
Im loving being a tough tank who can heal himself, augment others, and deal some damage. I would like to be able to continue this into the higher levels![]()
As I stated before, we really need your Naked Stats and Feats to give better information. Saying that STR and CHA are your highest stats doesn't help much (it could be 14/13/13/13/13/14 for all we know!). Please list your naked, unbuffed Stats (or Base Stats), and the feats that you took. Then we can provide better information on how to proceed.
Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
Now Living on Orien
sry for the delay
Paladin 8
Naked Stats:
Strength: 16
Con: 14
Dex: 11
Charisma: 17
Int: 10
Wis: 13
Feats- Weapon focus slashing
Dragonmark of sentinel
Exotic weapon proficiency khopesh
Attack bonus +3
Extra lay on hands 1
Toughness 3
Extra smiting 1
Devotion 1
Energy of the templar 1
Next level i was planning on maybe taking improved critical. I like to maximize my ac while still getting some good dps from smites and crits. I'm also enjoying the utility i bring with being able to cast virtue and resist energy on my party.
What im really stuck on is when to dip into fighter levels and how many i should take etc. Thanks for the help guys
Ok, looks like you have decent starting stats... your Con is a little low and your Cha is a little high, but that can all be worked out.
Ok, here are the points to make:
1) Put all future level-up Stat Points into STRENGTH, not Charisma. Charisma helps your Saves and your Smites/LoH's, but not your DPS. Better DPS = Things Dead Faster = Less Damage Taken.
2) Improved Critical: Slashing is an ABSOLUTE MUST TAKE at Level 9 for any Melee Class
3) I'm not a big fan of the Dragonmark of the Sentinel, but if it works for you, great. Personally I am a big fan of Passage... but YMVM.
4) Enhancements: I don't see Bulwark of Good or Resistance of Good on there... thye should be taken, probably to Level 2, as high-prioirty items.
5) Paladin Attack Boost 3 < Human Versatility 3. Respec your AP's to get HV instead of PAB. Why settle for 6 AP's spent for +4 Attack 5/day, when the same 6 AP's will give you the choice of +4 Attack/Damage/Saves/Skills 5/day?
Ok, as for Fighter Levels, I would STRONGLY suggest you wait until you have Paladin 11 already. Paladin 11 gives you access to Bulwark & Resistance of Good 3, as well as 30-point Resist Energy. It also allows for a good strong Lay on Hands. Then branch out into Fighter for a few levels, and then decide what to do. Rogue 2 is also a very popular option to mix in for Skill Points (usually UMD) and Evasion (but this requires Light Armor). But Paladin 11/Fighter 5 is not a bad plan right now either.
Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
Now Living on Orien
cool thanks for the detailed response. Ill work on that stuff and in a few levels ill come back on here and ask what to do with the fighter levels.