If you're referring to me, I'm not disenchanted. If you're referring ot my posts, I don't see how they were nasty. Am I supposed to agree with everything posted? SHould I jsut type "congratulations" and be done?
My posts were far removed from "ruthless slamming." If you disagree, I'd like to see where and why.Noone can ever say hey I accomplished such and such, and Im excited enough to post it because I like the game without being slammed ruthlessly.
That's actually quite an interesting point. You might say the OP set the tone of the thread with his title.Maybe bringing it a bit upon yourself by making the thread name Bringeth thy hate
So if it's not the "lack of XP" that makes such quests less fun, what is it that makes them less fun than the ones you mentioned via acronym?I would not go through Bringing the Light, Irestone Inlet, or any number of other quests not because I wanted to ignore content or bypass it but because in addition to it not being much use to me xpwise it had ceased to be fun.