So, Brutous and I were having this discussion regarding Warforged. Well, frankly, they scare me. Like something out of a horror movie or sci-fi. Not living. However, we know they ARE:

from wiki:

The warforged are one of the playable races of creatures in the Eberron campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.

The warforged are a race of living, sentient constructs superficially similar to golems. warforged are composed of a blend of materials: predominantly stone, wood, and some type of metal. These components take on unnatural properties during the warforged-creation process. Some warforged are able to alter their shapes somewhat and produce spikes. Interestingly, materials used to repair a damaged warforged take on the properties of the materials already present in the warforged. Conversly, any materials removed from the husk of a non-functional warforged decay rapidly, and are unfit for any other use.

Now, I'm pretty sure since they are made of wood they can get soggy when wet, but the point is.......

Nowhere does it mention they have a "soul".

Last I checked, constructs are basically programmable. AI can possibly "learn", but to "feel".......I don't know.

Ever heard the phrase, "The eyes are the gateway to the soul"?

Look at the following eyes:

Now look at these eyes:

Similar? You'd better believe it. And since we know that the T1000 had no soul, it's safe to surmise that......

Warforged have no SOULS!

Scary huh? No wonder they creep me out, with their twitchin' and their shifty eyes.

But that's just me and my worthless opinion. What do YOU think?



P.S. where did the insert picture button go?