It seems a level 13-14 Cleric will have a 25-26 Spell Resistance when they cast Spell Resistance on themselves or anyone on their teams... For anyone to cast through the Spell Resistance (for spell effected by SR) they need to roll a 1d20 + their level... For a cleric that SRed himself, if the roll does not add up to 26, your spell simply bounces off....not even a save is needed....ok, so far I get it I believe.
Given that.....
I did some tests with friend cleric (level 13) in the Phoenix Tavern... When he casts SR on himself being a level 13 cleric he would have a 25 SR.... So, using a D20 plus my level ( which is 11) I needed to roll a 9 or better to score a hit.... @ level 14 I'd have to roll a 6 or better to hit...assuming my friend was still level 13 casting a 25 SR spell on himself.
Here's what has me confused...and I'd like to test this further and get some community input on the matter.
I have Improved Spell Pen I & Improved Spell Pen II... If I understand these enhancments they will stack for a combined +2. I also have a (Greater Spell Pen IV (+3 SP for level 4 and lower spells)..... THIS should give me an added +5 SP making my required roll at level 11 against Irnbur's level 13 SR a 4 or more to succeed...not what I'm seeing though in battle.
Going back to my test... I noted I was failing my SR roll on anything below 9... it looks like the bonus for my Enhancments and my item don't get plugged in. Am I not understanding something here? Maybe there's something I missed.
I was using a Heigtened Hypnotise spell which woud qualify my used item... hmmm Makes me wonder though, if that spell is Heigtend, is it still qualifying as a level 1 spell?
hmmmm Much to learn here.