I'm finally getting a wizard above 8th level... He'll make 9th tonight... but I'm wondering about my current and future feat choices...
My first wizard was a drow, with a low CON, and very few hps... I got him to 8th, but quit playing him because I got one-shotted all the time...
This guy is a dwarf with a decent CON and even a toughness feat and the dwarven toughness enhancements... I can take a quite a few hits now and with a fearsome robe, I usually survive getting the occasional aggro.
I'm trying to figure out what feats to take next...
Currently I have
Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
My question is, should I go with Spell Focus or Spell Penetration feats for 9th and 12th level? I'm leaning towards Spell Focus, but then I wonder if I should focus on a particular school like Necromancy or Enchantment and get both Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus in one school, or should I maybe get one Spell Focus in two different schools.
Plus which schools offer the most bang for the buck? Note that I have a capped bard... I know how powerful and fun Enchantment can be, but I'd rather be more of a nuker with this character just for a different playstyle.
He has a maxed out Intelligence, and most spells seem to land fairly well even now without any Spell Focus feats or Spell Focus Items.
Or should I just get more meta-magic feats? (I do plan on getting Enlarge for my 10th level bonus feat - forgot to mention that)
Any advice?