Thanks to Vlahd for finding me a new time killer I'm moving on to Hellgate. So, I'm going to be hosting an event with my buddies in which I'll be tossin all my **** out to the residents of Thelanis. Normally I'd say screw all of you that weren't on Xoriat but I've had a great time in these last few weeks with some of the natives that I've been rollin with and I've come to change my perception of the weak RP'ers.
So, in honor of them it'll be a more story driven event. No roleplaying necessary; although it will garner you extra points. Will definitely also have a PvP part to it as well to honor my brothers in arms from Xoriat. Although it won't be anywhere near as restrictive as Tuffman's Comp.
As to the prizes, here's a quick list. The list will undoubtedly be expanded when I get my buddies in on it as they'll probably want to donate to the fun. You can expect (from only me at this time):
14x Vorpals of varying sizes and shapes.
5x Banishers
6x Disruptors (3x Ghost Touch)
3x Smiters (2x Scimitars)
9x Paralyzers
2x Wounding Rapiers of Puncturing
1x Wounding Dagger of Puncturing
2x Weakening Rapiers of Puncturing
3x Weakening Rapiers of Enfeebling
3x Paralyzing Light Picks of Maiming
2x Sunswords (seen alot of use, 'bout 60% left on both)
1x Phase Hammer
1x Meladroit Light Mace of Bone Breaking (was fun to change it up)
1x Meladroit Heavy Mace of Bone Breaking
1x Vorpal Throwing Axe of Returning
1x Smiting Throwing Dagger of Returning
1x Banishing Dart of Returning
1x Disrupting Dart of Returning
1x Enhantment/Necro Scepter
1x Illusion/Necro Scepter
1x Boots of the Innocent
3x Bloodstones
2x Kardin's Eye
6x Planar Grids
2x Chaosguardes
1x Finger Necklace
1x Ring of the Djinn
1x +15 Search Goggles
1x +15 DD Goggles
1x Ethereal Bracers
4x +5 Pro's
2x +5 Resistance
1x +7 Armor Bracers (and I just got this d*mn thing)
1x Mentau
1x PoP X
1x Wizardry VI
1x Hvy Fort Ring
1x +5 Mith Tower
2x +5 MFP (bought one then looted one the next day... /sigh)
2x +4 MFP (Pretty beat up, see Sunswords)
2x +6 Wis
3x +6 Dex
1x +6 Int
2x +6 Str
1x +6 Con
1x +6 Cha
2x +2 Str Tome
1x +2 Wis Tome
3x +2 Int Tome
3x +2 Cha Tome
2x +2 Con Tome
1x +2 Dex Tome
3x Completed tapestries
An ungodly amount of scales of all colors
A dozen or so Tome Pages with about as many Shield pieces and a few Tap pieces left over.
And Roughly 28 Million Plat which will probably be distributed as door prizes.
Ok, Well thats some of it got plenty more that I haven't listed, greater banes, cold iron pure goods etc. etc. I still have 2 more vaultbots to sift through and haven't listed stuff I carry on my actual toons. I'm doing this mostly in hopes of seeing my greatest dream come true before I leave: That I can have one, just ONE night in this game w/o seeing SOMEONE b*t*h and/or complain. Man this game is chalk full of crybabies. It's almost, but not quite, as bad as SWG was.
My account runs up on the 28th so we'll shoot for the 23rd-25th time frame (the last weekend before). Suggestions for the event are always welcome.
Edit: I'm leaving the game, so please stop the PM's to buy/trade/sell (wrong forum anyway). Besides, trust me, there's nothing you possibly have that I want or need.