Just taking offers for now. i wasnt going to trade this item, but will for the right offer.
Just taking offers for now. i wasnt going to trade this item, but will for the right offer.
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
Sorry all who i havent responded to.
Been reading the offers, most very gracious.
At this stage in the game very few things can help my build. I am aiting on the person with the DA vorpal of pure good to respond.
If i cannot get that axe i will select one of the other offers. I am not greedy and will not pick any offer which will not help my build, regardless of how big the offer is. Id rather see the weapon go to a friend and take a loss.
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi
Dwarven Axe Vorpal of pure good..... hint hint
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -