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Thread: Fighting Wizzy

  1. #21
    Community Member Blind_Skwerl's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Closest I have is a 12wiz/2rogue . Lots of fun actually, but he does require alot of buffs and prep.
    Tourbillon * Hyper * Headbanger * Speedstick * Arkane


  2. #22
    Community Member EoZ's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Rentz View Post
    hey sadus,

    next time you're looking to fill a melee spot on Khyber, look for me on Kinlore.

    9(10 soon) sorcerer/2 rogue/2 paladin

    i haven't maxed him out with +6 items yet, and he doesn't have sorc charisma III yet.

    200hp (ending at 223 before false life spell, grtr hero, and divine power)
    1050 sp (ending at 1138)
    30 base damage with power attack on
    30 to-hit with power attack on and divine power clicky active (I have 42 charges of them)
    38 ac while twohanding
    maximized firewalls and scorching ray with 40% enhancements and superior potancy + lore
    27+ saves
    search, open lock, disable device into the 30's (enough for running most quests on normal without fail)
    UMD into the 30's/can rez

    stoneskin, false life, fw, scorch, displace, blur, haste, resists, rage, jump, etc etc
    greater bane 2handers for just about everything

    he makes a great off-tank/general melee'r/backup caster/backup rezer/light rogue. got something to wear to every occasion

    anyways, outfitted and played properly these toons can be pretty potent and a lot of fun.
    42 charges of divine power?! 10 charges (2 clicky) is enough.
    and yeah, that kind of toon is the best allied in a party... my bro did one on an elf (can rez, use heal scrolls, keep haste, fwall, unkillable (saves+evasion), keep mobs cursed+destruct...all that on a decent AC...unlock...disable....too many things to list) also a great pvper
    his nickname is Tukaq on Khyber

  3. #23
    Community Member EoZ's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Sadus View Post
    Why do people even bother with this kinda **** :P Your BAB is so low you can't even get Improved Critcial... you can't cast while using Tenser's... if you want to be a "battle caster".. make a Battle Cleric... they can use Divine Power... get full BAB, have a decent AC, self-heal, and still have access to their entire spell inventory.... and if your not using Tenser's then *** are you doing meleeing :P

    If you don't want to go the cleric route... go Bard at least then you'd be doing something for the group via songs, buffs, secondary healing, etc.. Then you can still self blue, displace, haste, CC, etc...

    No offense to you personally... but when I see any Wizards or Sorcs with melee levels "gimp" is what screams in my mind...
    My fighter1/wizard13 STR based wizard.
    277hp unbuffed (350+buffed) (+13greaterhero+20falselife+7divinepower+tons from all rage)
    28str+22dex+22cons+24int+14wis+6cha (unbuffed)
    all feats for pvp (maximize+quicken+empower+heighten)
    full fire-ice specced.
    feats for fighting mode (power attack+combat expertise)
    want to know more about it? peonzer arobas hotmail dot com

    When fighting in pvp, I have ALL wizard buffs on a 48AC(not maxed yet)
    Normal fighter as 99% of the melee player don't even have a true seeing clicky or dq goggle. So already GG.
    And if you beat me? fball in teh face! the worst is being pwned both way.
    btw, I saw one melee bard who won against that build (Quicktoez), too high AC.
    And still no clerics (with the non-healing rule ofcourse, or it means fball)

    Fighters need many gear, wizards need nothing, they got greater hero! true seeing! stoneskin! etc.
    so no need to get planar or dq loots to have an advantage.

    Come! You'll see.

    Meoz: 1fgt/13wiz
    EoZ: 12fgt/2barb
    Yeoz: 6fgt/5pal/3rog
    Heoz: clerics going (lvl10 atm)
    Last edited by EoZ; 12-11-2007 at 11:21 AM.

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