Looking to trade a +1 Ghost Touch Khopesh of Disruption (RR: Dwarf; DC20)
My Trade Thread:
I would like at least one of these items as part of the trade:
Disruption/Banishing Rapier
Disruption Shortsword
Also looking for these:
+1 to +4 Elemental Burst Rapier/Shortsword
+4 Fire/Icy Burst of Pure Good (DA or Khopesh)
+5 Mithral Fullplate
+5 Mithral Tower Shield
Black Dragon Scales
+6 Wis Necklace
Fearsome Robe of Improved False Life
Wizardry 6 Item
Low priority items:
Ring of the Ancestors
Heavy Fort Ring
Greater False Life Ring/Belt
+5 Prot Ring
Planar Gird
I recently rolled a Rogue. So I'm also looking for mid to high level Rapiers and Shortswords