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  1. #1
    Community Member Anyria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default One Stop Shopping

    I am Looking for the following items-
    Wounding of Puncturing Rapiers/Shortswords/Daggers
    Kardin's Eye(s)
    Smiting Rapiers/Shortswords
    Banishing Rapiers/Shortswords
    Light repeater of Banishing/Smiting
    Bastard Sword of Greater Construct Bane
    +7 AC bracers (any rr)
    Wizardry VI (or better if they exsist) items
    Wounding of Puncturing Bows

    Plat - I am going broke so if you see something of the smaller variety you like, make an offer ) I can be reasonable on the lower end stuff, not so much with the high end items )they will cost alot)

    The following is all tradable, for the right price or items
    POWER 5-
    +1 Banishing HXB - 10
    +1 Banishing Hvy XB of PG - 12
    +1 Banishing Light Mace - 10

    +1 LXB of Disruption - 10
    +1 LXB of Disruption - 10
    +1 SB of Disruption - 10
    +1 Anarchic DA of Disruption (half DC 22) - 12
    +1 Thundering DA of Disruption (Human DC20) - 10
    +2 Shock HM of Disrupt (half DC 22) - 12
    +1 Icy Burst Kama of Disruption - 14
    +1 Dagger of Disruption (Elf DC 18) - 8 (trade only)
    +1 Ghost touch Longsword of Disruption - 12 (trade only, offer alot, I use this one)
    +1 Paralyzing HXB
    +1 Paralyzing LXB of Power I - 12
    +1 Paralyzing Light Hammer - 10
    +1 Paralyzing SS (half DC 18) - 8 (trade pending)
    +1 Paralyzing Byeshk Kopesh of Power I - 12
    +1 Paralyzing LS of PG (half DC 20) -10
    +1 Paralyzing LS (elf DC 18) - 8 (trade pending)
    +1 Paralyzing LS of Rightousness - 12
    +1 Paralyzing Kopesh - 10
    +1 Paralyzing Kukri of Backstab - 12
    +2 Paralyzing 1/4staff of vertigo ( Dwarf DC 22) - 12

    +1 Seeker LXB of Smiting - 12
    +1 Vicious DA of Smiting - 12
    +2 DA of Smiting - 12
    Mace of Smiting - 6

    +1 Vorpal Longsorwd - 10
    +1 Vorpal Byeshk DA (War DC 18) - 8 (trade only, I use this one too)

    Named Items-
    Iron Cleaver - 4
    Windlasher - 12
    Sirroco - 8
    Flint - 8
    Tyrzza's Bane - 8
    Flametounge - 4
    Fragment of the Silver Flame - 7
    Bottle of Air - 1
    Silver Longbow - 6
    Ring of Shadows - 11
    Witchdoctor's Mantle - 1
    Cloven Jaw War Beads - 1
    Daggertooth's Belt - 11
    Satr of Irian - 8
    Giant Stalker's Knife -6
    Silken Mail - 8
    Ward of Undeath - 8 (X2)
    Fragment of the Silver Flame - 7
    Crystallized Widow's Eye - 11
    +2 AC - Jeeka's Spangle - 1 (X2)
    Iron Beads - 11

    Blunt Weapons-
    +1 Frost Heavy Mace of Pure Good - 4
    +1 Icy Burst Adamant. HM of Right - 6
    +4 GT LM (elf DC 16) - 6
    +2 GT Silver MS of PG - 6
    +2 Frost HM of PG - 6
    +1 Holy HM of Right - 6
    + 1 Shock Burst LM of PG - 6
    +3 Shock Burst LM (elf DC 16) - 6
    + 1 Holy HM of Construct - 8
    +1 HM of Destruction - 8
    + 1 Icy Burst MS of Bone Break - 8
    + 1 Cursing LM of Weighted - 8
    + 5 GT HM - 10

    Wizard/Sorcer Items-
    +2 Superior Lighting Lore Dagger - 8
    +2 Superior Resonance VI Scepter - 10
    + 2 Greater Potency IV HM - 8
    + 2 Superior Potency IV LM - 10
    + 3 Spell Penetration VII scepter - 12
    400 Cloudkill Scrolls
    Superior Combustion III, +3 Diplomacy - 9

    Melee Weapons-
    +1 Dagger of Puncturing - 4
    +3 Holy Dagger of Maiming - 10
    +1 Shocking Burst SS of Deception - 6
    +1 Flaming SS of Tendon Slice - 8
    +4 Shock SS of Rightousness - 10
    +3 Shocking Burst SS of PG - 10
    +2 Axiomatic Burst SS of Vertigo - 12
    +2 Shocking Burst Rapier - 6
    +1 Rapier of Destruction (halfling DC 16) - 6
    +1 Icy Burst Rapier of decption - 6
    +2 Flaming Burst Rapier of Rightousness - 8
    +1 Wounding Rapier of PG - 8
    +1 Transmuting SS of Punturing - 8
    +1 Shock Burst Rapier of Grtr Chaotic Out - 10
    +3 Keen Rapier of Puncturing - 10
    +2 GT Rapier of Grtr Orc - 10
    +2 Thund Sckle of Grtr Construct - (half DC18) - 8
    +2 Longsword - 2
    +2 Icy Burst Longsword - 6
    +1 Holy Longsword of Rightousness - 6
    +2 Longsword of Pure Good - 6
    +2 Flame LS of Grtr Construct - (Dwarf DC 18) - 8
    +2 Flaming Burst LS of Right - 8
    +2 Holy Silver LS of Power I - 8
    +2 Seeker LS of Grtr Goblin (Dwarf DC 18) - 8
    +2 Cursing Silver LS - 8
    +1 Seeker LS of Grtr Gnoll - 10
    +3 Flaming Burst LS of Deception - 10
    +1 Holy Burst LS of PG - 10
    +1 Axiomatic LS of Grtr Goblin - 10
    +2 TL LS of Grtr Dwarf - 10
    +1 Anarchic Burst LS of PG - 10
    +2 Wounding LS of Right + 10
    +4 Crippling LS of Right - 10
    +2 Cursing LS of Orc Bane - 12
    +1 Holy Burst Scimitar - 8
    +2 Flaming Burst Scimitar of Power II - 10
    +2 Seeker Adamantine BA - 4
    +2 Icy Burst BA - 6
    +1 Anarchic Burst FT Iron Kukri of Tendon -10
    +1 Flaming Burst Kopesh - 4
    +2 Icy Burst Kopesh (Half DC 14) - 4
    +1 GT Kopesh of Rightousness - 4
    +1 Kopesh of Destruction - 8
    +1 Holy Burst Kopesh of Right (Human DC 18) -8
    +1 Cursing Kopesh of PG - 8
    + 5 Frost BS of Deception (War DC 20) - 10
    +2 Wounding BS of Decpetion - 10
    +4 Flaming Adamantine BS of Enfeeble - 12
    +2 Anarchic Burst BS of Right - 12

    +1 LB of Greater Ooze Bane - 6
    +2 Icy Burst LB of Rightousness - 8
    +1 Frost Longbow of Greater Goblin - 8
    +1 Cursing LB of PG - 8
    +2 Flaming Burst LB of Power I - 8
    +1 Axiomatic Burst LB of Backstab - 10
    +4 GT Darkwood LB of Right - 10
    +3 Shock LB of Greater Undead - 12

    Composite Longbows-
    +1 Frost CLB of Pow I -(dwarf DC 12) - 2
    +2 Holy CLB - 6
    +1 Holy Burst CLB - 8
    +2 Crippling CLB of Greater Reptile - 10
    +1 Less Potent I CLB of Destruct - 10
    +1 Holy Burst CLB of Power I - 10
    +4 Cursing CLB - 12

    +1 SB of Destruction - 8
    +2 SB of Destruction - 10
    +1 Frost SB of Greater Elf Bane - 8
    +1 Icy Burst SB of Greater Abberation - 10
    +3 Holy Burst SB - (Dwarf DC 20) - 10
    +3 SB of Greater Construct Bane - 10
    +2 Cursing SB of PG - 10
    +2 GT SB of Destruction - 12

    Composite Shortbows-
    +1 TL CSB of PG - 4
    +1 Icy Burst CSB - 4
    +1 GT CSB of PG - 4
    +2 GT CSB of Rightousness - 6
    +1 Holy Burst CSB - 8
    +2 CSB of Greater Dwarf Bane - 8
    +1 Shock CSB of Destruction - 10
    +1 Frost CSB of Destruction - 10

    Heavy Crossbows-
    +3 GT HXB of Precision - 10

    Heavy Repeaters-
    +1 Shock HRXB - 2
    +1 Icy Burst HRXB - 4
    +1 Keen HRXB of Destruction - 10

    +4 Adamantine Return Throwing Axes - 8

    +1 Adamantine FP - 1
    +1 Fearsome FP - 6
    +4 Mithril FP
    Vambraces of Inner Light - 8
    +2 Sacred FP of Haste 3/day - 10
    +1 Deathblock FP of Stabilty - 10
    +5 Sacred FP of +5 HP (Dwarf DC 20) - 10
    +4 Less Ice Guard MFPof Stablity - 10
    +4 FP of Invulnerability - 12
    +4 Fearsome FP - 12

    +1 Less Fire Guard MCS of +5 HP - 4
    +1 Fearsome Flametouched CS (elf DC 14) - 4
    +4 MCS - 6
    +4 MCS - 6
    +5 MCS - 8
    +5 MCS - 8
    +4 Fearsome CS (Dwarf DC 20) - 10

    Robe of Grease 3/day - 1
    Robe of Haste 5/day - 6
    Less Ice Guard Robe of Remove Curse 3/day - 6
    Less Acid Guard Robe of Haste 3/day - 6
    Robe of Greater Acid - 8
    Robe of Greater Sonic - 8
    Vulkoorim Dervish Robe - 8
    Robe of Greater Lightning - 8
    Lesser Ice Guard Robe of Magi - 10
    Less Fire Guard Robe of Greater Fire Resist - 10
    Fearsome Robe of Haste 3/day - 10
    Fire Guard Robe of Greater Lightning Resist - 12
    Light Guard Robe of Hvy Fort - 12
    Fire Guard Robe of Greater Acid Resist - 12
    Light guard Robe of Greater Light resist - 12
    Light guard Robe of Greater Fire resist - 12
    Deathblock Robe of Hvy Fort - 14

    +3 Steel Tower - 4
    +4 Mithril Tower - 6
    +1, Heavy Steel Shield 20 point Acid - 8
    +1, Heavy Steel Shield 20 points Cold - 8
    +1, Heavy Steel Shield 20 points Fire - 8
    +1, Heavy Steel Shield 20 Points Lightning - 8
    +5 Hvy Steel of Stability (Dwarf DC 18) - 8
    +5 Hvy Mithril - 8
    +5 Hvy Mithril - 8
    +5 Sacred Hvy Steel of Light Fort. - 12
    +5 Sacred Hvy Steel of Stability - 12
    +4 Sacred Hvy Steel of Mod Fort. - 14
    +3 Light Steel of Mod Fort - 10
    +4 Mithril Tower Shield - 6

    H2O Action - 1
    +3 Haggle - 1
    +3 CHR (Dwarf) -5
    H2O Action, Haste 3/day (hal DC 14) - 7
    +4 CHR (War DC 14) - 7
    +4 WIS - 9
    +4 WIS - 9
    +4 CHR - 9
    Solid Fog 3/day - 9
    +2 CHR, +10 Haggle (human DC 18) - 11
    +5 WIS, Jump 3/day (Dwarf DC 18) - 11
    +5 WIS, +3 Listen - 13

    +11 Spot, Blind Immune (Dwarf DC20) - 13
    +4 Reflex - 1
    Sleep 3/day - 1
    Jump 3/day - 1
    Blind Immune, Remove Blind 3/day - 11

    Vial of Slumberlust 3/day - 1
    Scarab of Protection 12 charges - 1
    POP VII - 9

    FF, +3 Jump (War DC 12) -5
    FF - 5
    FF, Hypno Pattern 1/day (Half DC 12) - 5
    +15% Striding - 7
    Golden Greaves - 9
    +20% Striding, +3 MS - (Dwarf DC 16) - 9
    +20% Striding, +3 Bal - (Dwarf DC 16) - 9
    +20% Striding - 9
    FF, +5 Jump - 9
    +20% Striding - 9
    +20% Stirding, +3 Swim - 11

    H2O Action - 1
    Disease Immunity - 1
    Ring of Rage 1/day - 1
    +15% Striding (Human DC 12) - 5
    +3 WIS - 7
    FF, +3 Swim - 7
    +7 Jump - 7
    Spell Resistance (15) - 7
    FF, Command 3/day - 7
    FF, Eagle Spendor 1/day - 7
    +4 CON (Dwarf DC 14) - 7
    +4 CHR - 9
    Disease Immune, +10 Bluff - 9
    +4 DEX, +5 Jump (Half DC 16) - 9
    +4 WIS, +3 Listen - 11
    Greater Cold Resistance - 11
    +4 CHR, +1 Resistance - 11
    +11 Bluff - 11
    +11 Balance - 11
    +2 DEX, +10 DD (Dwarf DC 18) - 11
    Poison Proof, +10 Haggle - 13
    +1 WIS, Power IX - 13
    +2 WIS, +10 Diplomacy - 13
    +20% Striding, +5 Swim - 13
    +1 CHR, +4 Protection - 13
    +5 WIS, +3 Listen - 13
    +6 INT - 13
    +5 STR, +5 Balance (Elf DC 20) - 13
    +6 CHR - 13
    +6 WIS - 13

    +1 Resistance - 1
    Shield 3/day - 1
    +4 Protection (elf DC 16) - 9
    +3 CHR, Remove Curse 1/day (Dwarf DC 16) - 9
    +3 Protection - 9
    +1 CHR, +4 Protection (half DC 18) - 11
    +4 Resistance - 11
    +5 CHR, +1 Resistance (Dwarf DC 18) - 11
    +4 Resistance - 11
    +4 CHR, +2 Resistance (Dwarf DC18) - 11
    +4 Resistance - 11
    +4 Protection - 11
    +2 CHR, Haste 3/day - 11
    +5 CHR - 11
    +1 CHR, +4 Protection - 13
    +5 CHR - 11
    +5 CHR, +2 Resistance (Dwarf DC 20) - 13
    +1 CHR, +4 Resistance - 13
    +5 CHR, +1 Resistance - 13

    Belts, Gloves, and Necklaces below
    Last edited by Anyria; 08-14-2007 at 06:36 AM. Reason: Update

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