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  1. #21
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    All undead and ooze are imune to crits. Constructs, most are imune - golems, marut, warforged have some fortification.

    Also many high lvl boss type mobs which aren't normal imune to crits have some minor fortification.

    And yea there is no prefix called chaotic. Chaotic is a alignment.

    Theres 2 of them that do chaotic damage tho:
    Ture Chaos - 1d6 to anything non-chaotic (must be chaotic to use)
    Anarchic - 2d6 to lawful enemies (usable by anyone, but negativ lvls if used by lawful)

  2. #22
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    Yep, I was mistaken, after I posted I logged in and realized it myself but I was already corrected by time I came back to post

    Thanks for the replies guys, I'm going to stick with the Carnifex for now.

  3. #23
    Community Member Blind_Skwerl's Avatar
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    Saw the SoS in action last night. Was doing gianthold tor on elite with a wf barbarian swinging the thing. OMG!!! Every swing, this guy was taking huge chunks off of the giants' red bars! Amazing. BTW... doing the dragons on elite was the worst scale run I have ever been on. Not for deaths (we did fine), but for scales. Total scales for the 6-man party, all 3 dragons: 3 scales (2 blue, 1 white). Craptacular!
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  4. #24
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    i just found a shocking burst dwarf ax of destruction. I have no dorf so Im taking the feat with my human barbarian.

    crits will look like so:

    15 (d10 x3) weapon
    4.5 x 3 shocking burst
    4.5 x 3 untyped damage
    42 average crit
    15 power attack
    24 strength

    81 average crit. Plus a shield bonus.

  5. #25
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    i just found a shocking burst dwarf ax of destruction. I have no dorf so Im taking the feat with my human barbarian.

    crits will look like so:

    15 (d10 x3) weapon
    4.5 x 3 shocking burst
    4.5 x 3 untyped damage
    42 average crit
    15 power attack
    24 strength

    81 average crit. Plus a shield bonus.
    Spiff you do realise a weapon like that is not very rare.. Can generally get something like that or better for 5Kpp or less on the AH. Perhaps you mixed up the name?
    Destruction lowers the targets AC. Doesn't deal any untyped damage.

    Also not sure how you get 15 from power attack?
    Highest possible for human barb should be +8 for a 1 hander (16 for 2hander)
    And 24 str, assuming you mean 24 str , not 24 str mod.. 24 str gives you +7 dmg for 1hander (24 mod is like having 60+ str)

    So perhaps
    11 dmg (probably a +1 weapon right, 10 base +1 enhance)
    8 power attack
    7 strength
    =26 x3 = 78

    78 +d6 + 2d10 for shocking burst = 104 max dmg crit. Not bad but no where close to the 200+ you can do with a basic 2hander.

    Personally I found a +5 shocking burst dwarven axe of vertigo +2 on my dwarf barbarian. He doesn't use the weapon due to its low DPS. Also shields don't mean much in 90% of high level quests.

  6. #26
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Spiff you do realise a weapon like that is not very rare.. Can generally get something like that or better for 5Kpp or less on the AH. Perhaps you mixed up the name?
    Destruction lowers the targets AC. Doesn't deal any untyped damage.

    Also not sure how you get 15 from power attack?
    Highest possible for human barb should be +8 for a 1 hander (16 for 2hander)
    And 24 str, assuming you mean 24 str , not 24 str mod.. 24 str gives you +7 dmg for 1hander (24 mod is like having 60+ str)

    So perhaps
    11 dmg (probably a +1 weapon right, 10 base +1 enhance)
    8 power attack
    7 strength
    =26 x3 = 78

    78 +d6 + 2d10 for shocking burst = 104 max dmg crit. Not bad but no where close to the 200+ you can do with a basic 2hander.

    Personally I found a +5 shocking burst dwarven axe of vertigo +2 on my dwarf barbarian. He doesn't use the weapon due to its low DPS. Also shields don't mean much in 90% of high level quests.
    It was maiming. Im assuming that finding shocking burst and maiming together is a rarity. I was going to sell it for a million gold but then i reconsidered given the odds of getting another pull like that.

    Wouldnt it be 78 +3d10 for shocking burst plus 3d10 for untyped? Or is it x2 for x3 multiplier?

    Thats 138 crit max for a one hander. Given that I think my average crit damage was pretty close.

    How can you get that kind of crit damage with a two hander (outside sos) other than situationally? (remember that my barb will still be able to use any bane two handers he finds).
    Last edited by spifflove; 08-12-2007 at 02:04 PM.

  7. #27
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    IIRC, maiming is +2d6 untyped for x3 crit weapons.

  8. #28
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    I think I would rather have a brust/pure good than burst/maiming.... I'm currently rolling a barb...the dps is insane at 6th lvl while rageing using the cariflex I have a 31 str and I can get the damage + to 26 ...I often see 100-103 pt crits....can't wait to higher lvls, casue unless I'm wrong I will be able to crit on a 15 with axe right?
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  9. #29
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    I think I would rather have a brust/pure good than burst/maiming.... I'm currently rolling a barb...the dps is insane at 6th lvl while rageing using the cariflex I have a 31 str and I can get the damage + to 26 ...I often see 100-103 pt crits....can't wait to higher lvls, casue unless I'm wrong I will be able to crit on a 15 with axe right?
    Correct. With Crit RageII you'll go down to 15-20...not too shabby. I believe scimmies, with Imp.Crit and Crit RageII crit on a 13-20, same with falchions, but obviously the damage output isnt worth it.

    Shame we cant tape a seeker dagger or something to our heads when using greataxes *sigh*
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  10. #30
    Community Member Maldini's Avatar
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    +4 or +5 Holy Burst Greataxe of Pure Good would be my favorite, but I still have to find one.

  11. #31
    Community Member smodge13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beherit Baphomar View Post
    Shame we cant tape a seeker dagger or something to our heads when using greataxes *sigh*
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  12. #32
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    How can you get that kind of crit damage with a two hander (outside sos) other than situationally? (remember that my barb will still be able to use any bane two handers he finds).
    x3 burst is 2d10 my numbers are accurate (i play this game too much to mix up much stats)
    Shock burst of maiming is a good combo, but not million gold+ good. Doubt it would fetch even 100k gp.

    200 crits with a basic +5 greataxe are pretty standard for a maxed out barbarian fully buffed (triple rage, bard buff, haste, etc). Sword of shadows often deal less damage because its not an axe. And not sure what you mean by situationaly, I play the game with the max dmg mindset, I always do insane dmg, not just "situationally"

    My damage number fully buffed with a +5 wep is +50, so 12 + 50, 62 = 186. Add bloodstone for 6 x 3 dmg, for 18, gives a 204 crit. Goes up higher with greater banes (max crit for me was 218). Warforged can do a little over 240.
    Last edited by Shade; 08-14-2007 at 11:50 PM.

  13. #33
    Community Member Jaysensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldini View Post
    +4 or +5 Holy Burst Greataxe of Pure Good would be my favorite, but I still have to find one.
    What WERE you using on that run with elite Tor run with Axer, anyway?
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  14. #34
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaysensen View Post
    Isnt that a double suffix?

    Since Maiming takes the place of Greater Bane, I always considered it a "junk" mod. What is better, Maiming or PG?
    Just make it a +4 Holy Greataxe of Greater Giant Bane. Works better :P

  15. #35
    Community Member Maldini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaysensen View Post
    What WERE you using on that run with elite Tor run with Axer, anyway?

    Just a +5 Holy of Pure Good

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