Proud Officer of Mature Adventurers Club
Dktr 16 cleric; Dctor 16 umd cleric; Daliin 16 umd Sorc fire/ice; Iamnot 16 Bard; Shunita 16 Wiz; Eyeon 16 umd Sorc elec/acid; Docktrr 14 Paladin; Traslyn 9/1 Ranger/Rogue
Personal Quote: "They make a pot for that..."
Proud Officer of Mature Adventurers Club
Dktr 16 cleric; Dctor 16 umd cleric; Daliin 16 umd Sorc fire/ice; Iamnot 16 Bard; Shunita 16 Wiz; Eyeon 16 umd Sorc elec/acid; Docktrr 14 Paladin; Traslyn 9/1 Ranger/Rogue
Personal Quote: "They make a pot for that..."
Its good to be back on forums. I am currently in the U.P. hunting.I mean currently lol in my blind ain't seen **** not happy thank moradin for phone with internet well hope to be back in game soon. cutting trip early its just not cold enough up here right now **** deer.
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
Greatings to all those who stop by this threat, We are the MAC! we're hear to help.
Well its been good to be back in game with me new wiz servik but alas My puter has gotten a nasty bug so I will be gone from game for a little while it is repaired lost everything so i will have to reload and such.
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
well 200.00 bucks and 3 days later still no closer they are saying its a adware virus its in there good got into my spyware and virus protection software and looks like the whole thing is shot to h e l l. so no telling when I will be back this just sucks. xmas coming and a week off work to play things looking bleak. if there is one bright thing its perhaps T can find them boots of them innocent i was using BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA well till laters on ppl take care.
atleast my phone gets me into the forums
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
Are you guys still taking in new members and are you still careful players or have you turned to zerging these days. Im not much a fan of zerging unless everyone is fine with it in the party.
Yeap were still taking in lost souls. Im sure you will find our style of play to your liking.
Reality is for people with no imagination
Returning MAC members who have come back to the game. Welcome back! Glad to see you playing the game again and glad to see you again!!
Sorry no Dane sightings yet..... but we still hold a candle light vigil for him whenever we pull lootstank in his memory.
So I was checking out other guild websites and took a look at the awesome one ER put up(no sarcasm there it really is nice)...I read Kally's Bio. He claimed he only sucked the first 2 weeks in MAC. I would say it was 2 months ATLEAST, I know I was healing him.![]()
(Sarcasm here though)